Milton Chantry & Maison Dieu

In Year 1, we build on the work started in EYFS, beginning each day with a 30 minute Phonics lesson and we then move on to the teaching of wider reading and writing skills, linked to our class text. This Module, we have been reading 'The Robot and the Bluebird' and thinking about the story setting and the character of the robot. We used the initial illustrations to deduce information about the setting and to make a prediction about how the robot became broken-hearted and what would happen to him once he was on the scrap heap. We have thought about the Learner Profile Attributes that the robot displays and what skills we might need to be able to fix a robot, linking to our central idea for this Module. 

Collating our ideas as a class

Working together to share ideas

We have also been thinking about the powerful language that the author uses and we have considered what it means to 'feel like rubbish' and to hold someone in your heart.

We considered the two possible meanings for the phrase 'I'm rubbish', used by the robot to describe himself. We reflected upon when we might feel like this ourselves.  

We have also explored the feeling of loss and reflected on how it feels to lose someone special, whether it be a pet or a special person, but how their memory lives on in our hearts.

We then had a go at writing our own character descriptions about the robot. We considered what he looks like and also his personal characteristics.

For World Book Day, we looked at an image from 'The Mysteries of Harris Burdick'. We looked at a picture of a mysterious flying chair and we wrote our own stories about where we thought it went to. We drew and painted pictures of where we would go to on a flying chair. We also looked at Vincent Van Gogh's famous painting of a chair and we copied it using pastels.