Principal's Message

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week we were thrilled to announce that we are graded outstanding by Ofsted following our recent inspection. This achievement is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the whole academy community, pupils, staff, and, parents and carers . I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved in making Bearsted Primary Academy "an exceptional school in every way" with a special mention for Leigh Academies Trust. You can read the Ofsted report HERE and you can read our press release HERE.

Following our recent Parent and Carer Curriculum Working party meeting, we are refocusing our newsletter topics and focus.  A bi-weekly newsletter will have a particular curriculum focus. For this edition, the focus is the English curriculum across the academy, which is timed perfectly with our World Book Day celebrations. This was a wonderful opportunity for students to explore new literary worlds and engage in fun and creative activities related to reading. Pupils shared their love of books with their peers, particularly during our 'Stop, Drop and Read' sessions across the day. Further information in this newsletter showing how each class celebrated World Book Day today.

In addition to World Book Day, we have World Maths Day coming up on Wednesday 08th March and British Science Week from Friday 10th March until Friday 17th March. These events help promote STEM education and inspire students to pursue careers in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. We look forward to engaging students in exciting and interactive activities that showcase the importance of these subjects.

Thank you all for your congratulations and well-wishes in recognition of our Ofsted inspection outcome.  It is a true pleasure to be able to celebrate together all of our work and yours, but most of all the work and achievements of your children.

Have a fabulous weekend. 

Mrs Tipple