We all have to take care of ourselves and sometimes we need support! Life can be hard and throw some good punches. Make sure you are taking care of yourself, have a good support system, and know how to ask for help when needed!

What is self care, really? According to the dictionary, self care is "the practice of taking an active role in protecting one's own well-being and happiness, in particular during periods of stress." Remember, this is not something that happens by accident. You have to make a decision, set a goal, and very deliberately follow through. You got this! 

Remember the NBHS Counseling Team is here for you! 

Head over to our Relaxation Room.

Use some of the videos, techniques, and sounds to help you relax, focus, or find calmness. 

Click HERE to take you to Relaxation Room Page.

Stress is a part of life! It isn't bad or good necessarily. It's the body's normal response to changes that create demands. 

In some situations, stress and be motivating and helpful. AND different people will have different reactions to certain situations. So the individual matters. Context matters. You might even be able to so experience the same stressors as both distress and eustress! 

How do you think about stress and talk about it? Do you have someone to share your stressful moments with and receive support through the tough moments? 

Take a look at this video to learn more about how you can identify your stress level! 

It is important to be self-aware when it comes to your stress level. Sometimes we do not even realize our own stress level and need to stop to take a breath to see where you are with your stress. 

Health and Wellness Supports for Students and Families

BCS offers many services and supports to students with the help of our school counselors, psychologist, social workers, and other specialists.  In the event of an urgent need at home or in the community, BCS main website provides information and resources that may provide additional help to students and families to improve their health and wellness. 

Please follow THIS LINK for links, articles, and support. 

Check out these awesome books and articles to support your mental health and self care!

  Quarantine Brain Fog:   https://www.businessinsider.com/how-a-coronavirus-quarantine-affects-your-body-and-brain-2020-3 

 Thursdays with NAMI. Different video conferencing session covering topics of meditation, healthy coping skills, and other topics of interest to your mental health. https://naminc.org/our-work-support/thursdays-with-nami/thursdays-with-nami-2/ 

Video: a mindful response to distressing thoughts. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cXAZ6FgfcDg 

Teenagers can protect their mental health: https://www.unicef.org/coronavirus/how-teenagers-can-protect-their-mental-health-during-coronavirus-covid-19 

Video: Mental Health and Well-Being Survival Guide. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Endyyx84w98&t=2s&fbclid=IwAR2st2nBBW7dDKipuOHCsq8ca4XeyJSl6sKfKUV70STuZeiaauOUmPvZud0 

Article: https://ifstudies.org/blog/we-can-fight-covid-19-and-social-isolation-by-promoting-meaning