Prepare for College

There are many resources that can help you learn about colleges you might be interested in. Exploring colleges online can be a great first step to determine what colleges you want to apply to. After you have explored your options online, making a visit to a few campuses is a great way to help you determine what college you would like to attend. If you can’t travel to the college for a tour, some colleges offer "virtual tours" on their website.

The following links will help you find and explore different colleges that you might be interested in:

This site allows you to search for colleges

This site has many statistics on colleges, due dates, and links to websites and virtual tours

This site will help match you to colleges you might be interested and help you explore these colleges.

This link gives you advice on how to choose a college to attend

During high school, you receive four college visitation days where you can visit colleges during the school year. As a junior you can take two college visitation day, and as a senior you can take two days. Try to schedule any other days you need to visit colleges during the summer or on teacher work days during the school year. The college visitation days can be waived by the school, but you must fill out a form to get them waived.

Both Juniors and Seniors get two college visitation days a year waived.

Please complete the following form to apply for a college visit day.

This MUST be completed BEFORE your visit.

College Visitation Google Form

Prepare for career

NBHS Career-Ready Planning Guide.pdf

Is College not your path?

Interested in graduating and heading straight to work?

We are here to help!

Check out this resource made especially for you by your NBHS Counseling Department.

FAFSA Virtual Evening event

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