Google Meet Definition

Distance Learning With Ms. A.mp4

While Meet video conferencing is built into Google Classroom, BCSD has purchased Zoom licenses. Especially for new-to-tech teachers, Zoom will be easier to use. Click here to learn about Zoom.

Google Meet allows a teacher to create video conference sessions with students, only accessible to members of a Google Classroom.

This feature must be enabled by the teacher in the Class settings gear of Google Classroom. The default is to have it hidden.

Best Practices

Stream - Best Practice - 3 Google Meet Link.webm

Generate Meet Link

  1. Look in the Stream header for Generate Meet link.

  2. Click on the link to turn on Meet.

Note: If you don't want the Meet link visible to students when a meeting is not in session, go to the Settings icon, look under General, and turn off Visible to students. Repeat to turn the link on.

Set up Meet for distance learning

Google Meet - Use Assignment to Assign Google Meet.webm

Schedule Meetings with Assignments

Create a consistent schedule but inform students. Post an Announcement in STREAM or CREATE an Assignment in Classwork.

View document

  1. In the Classwork tab, CREATE an Assignment.

  2. Assignment

    • Title = Date and time of the Meet + is it whole class or small group

    • Instructions = What will be covered + what students can working on while waiting. Make sure to remind students to access to the Meet using the link in the STREAM header or the video icon in CLASSWORK.

    • Add = Resources to be used such as Jamboard, Google Slides presentation, and/or links.

    • If this is a small group Meet, change ALL STUDENTS to only the individuals in that small group. Use Reuse Post to make slight changes for the other small groups.

Suggestion: Use Repost to reuse a Small Group Assignment. Then make modifications such as the names of the students in the small group.

Communicate Meets through Classdojo.mp4

Share Meeting Information with Parents

By using Classdojo to communicate with parents, parents will get students to attend the first few meetings. When meetings are consistent, the students take responsibility to for attending future Meets.

Many schools use the free app Classdojo. Teachers can send whole class messages to parents and set up individual conversations. While this app can record student behavior, many schools use it just to communicate with families. Teacher directions | Parent directions

Google Meet - Shortcuts to Mute and Turn Off Video.mp4

Use Shortcuts

Teach students to use shortcuts to mute and unmute themselves. If the student has a connection that causes freezes, have students turn off their camera to fix the problem.

CTRL +D = Mute or unmute your microphone

CTRL + E = Turn on or off camera

More shortcuts

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Change the Layout

  1. Move the cursor to the bottom of the screen to access the grey bar.

  2. Select the three dots (snowmen).

  3. Click Layout.

  4. Select the Layout that suits the purpose.

  • Auto: If you keep on auto, the image will change with the person speaking (even when you don't want it to)

  • Sidebar: Small group instruction

  • Spotlight: Use when teacher or student is presenting (Pin the image)

  • Tiled: Use when polling class for answers

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Present Entire Screen to Students

  1. Move cursor to bottom of screen to view grey bar.

  2. Select Present now.

  3. Select Your entire screen.

  4. Click on the image.

  5. Select Share.

Present Chrome Tab with Audio.mp4

Present Audio and Video to Students

  1. Move cursor to bottom of screen to view grey bar.

  2. Mute yourself and turn of the video. (See note below)

  3. Select Present now.

  4. Select A Chrome tab.

  5. Click on the screen you want to share.

  6. Select Share.

NOTE: If you do not mute yourself, the audio will echo. The more tabs and videos you use, the more it eats up bandwidth. If the video still lags, turn off your camera (CTRL + E).

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Split Screen to View Students during Present Mode

When a teacher selects Present, the teacher cannot see the chat. To fix this, use a split screen extension to see both the presentation and the students.

Install either Dualless or Tab Resize Extension.

    • Benefit of Dualless - resize tabs so that the presentation is larger than the chat.

    • Benefit of Tab Resize - use the shortcut CTRL + Shift + 2 to split screen in half.

Google Meet - Use Jamboard for Interactive Lessons.mp4

Use Jamboard

Jamboard is an interactive whiteboard. Teachers can create word sorts, prompt discussions, or teach math. The phone app has even more options than the web app.

Option 1: Teach to demonstrate

Option 2: Share edit access with students

Option 3: Assign to individual students

Click here to learn more about Jamboard. For individual student whiteboards, try

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Take Attendance

Use the Chrome extension Meet Attendance to identify students present in the video conference.

  1. Click on the Show Everyone icon.

  2. Click the box with the check mark to open the Spreadsheet where the names of the people in the meeting will show.

  3. If you need to take attendance a second time, click on CHAT and return to PEOPLE or turn on Auto-scroll.

Note: Anyone presenting will have their name listed twice.

Suggestion: At the beginning of a new week, click the add Sheet icon (the one farthest to the left). A new Spreadsheet (the next icon) most likely will not be used.

Google Meet - Mute, Remove Student Presentation, Remove Student.mp4

Mute and Remove

In the top right, look for the PEOPLE icon. Hover the mouse over a participant's name. Everyone has the option to PIN a video, but since you are the creator of the Meet you also mute students and remove them from presenting and/or the Meet session.

Pin: The bulletin board pin allows the user to view only that person. Students should use this during direct instruction.

Mute: The teacher can Mute individual students but cannot unmute them. Future updates will including muting all students at once.

Remove Student Presentation: Whenever a person presents, a second participant is added to the Participants list. The teacher can stop the presentation by Removing the presentation (click the circle with line).

Remove Student: At the end of the Meeting, manually remove students who do not leave on their own. Make sure the teacher is last to leave.

Google Meet - Be Last to Leave Meet.mp4

Be the Last to leave the Meet

Students may not enter a Meet before a teacher but they can hang around afterwards, even after you leave. Make sure you are the last one in the room before exiting the Meet. Remove any students who are still in the Meet.

  1. Click on the Show everyone icon.

  2. Click on the student's name.

  3. Select the circle with a line icon to remove student.

  4. Confirm Remove.

Google Meet - Turn Off Meet Link When Not in Use.webm

Turn off Link When Not in Session

Students can NOT enter a Google Meet in Google Classroom without the teacher being present. Turning on the link serves as a signal that a Meet will occur soon.

  1. In the upper right corner, select the Class settings icon.

  2. Go to General.

  3. Find Visible to students and slide the button to turn the link view to on/off.

Files to Use with Students

Google Meets Norms for Students

Google Meet Norms

These norms were created by BCSD Alicia Arriola and used with her 2nd Grade students in Spring 2020.

Future Updates