
People - Overview.webm

The People tab shows the names of the teachers and students. Co-teachers can be added. BCSD uses Aeries, so students will NOT need to be manually added. In the People tab, students can be muted or removed. The email student and parent features do not work because we do not use Gmail as a district.

Best Practices

People - Invite Guardians.webm

Invite Guardians

  1. In the People tab, find the student's name.

  2. Select Invite Guardian.

  3. Type the guardian's email.

  4. Click on Invite.

  5. Repeat for each student.

Families will receive an email allowing them to decide how often they will receive a summary of their student's assignments. Add Due Dates to assignments to automatically add them to this auto-generated summary.

People - Remove Student.webm

Remove Students

When a student is unenrolled from your Aeries roster, the student's name will grey out. You can choose to keep the students greyed out to access their classwork OR you can REMOVE them.

  1. Check the box next to the student's name.

  2. Click Actions under the Student title.

  3. Select Remove.

People - Mute and Unmute Students.webm

Mute Individual Students

Mute or unmute students in the People tab.

  1. Check student name.

  2. Select Actions.

  3. Click on Mute or Unmute.

People - PLC as Co-Teachers.webm

Create a Google Classroom for your PLC

Create a PLC to store agendas and create assignments that can be reused by each co-teacher. Just add each PLC member as a Co-teacher in the People tab.


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