Use Aeries Gradebook

Check the list to see a specific video on any needed topic or skill in Aeries Gradebook.

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Gradebook Dashboard Views

Gradebooks can be viewed as

  • Tiles

  • List

  • Table

The best choice is Table because all the options are within one click.

Add a Non-Google Classroom Assignment to Aeries


  1. From the Gradebook Dashboard, find the class name and select Add Assignment.

  2. At minimum, type the following information:

    • Name of the assignment

    • Due date

    • Number of Correct Possible (tab to add Points Possible).

  3. Click Save and Close.


  1. From the Aeries Home page, click on the gradebook.

  2. Select the tab Assignments.

  3. Click Add Assignment.

  4. Type in the required information and select Save and Close.

Google Classroom to Aeries - Elementary.mp4

Import Google Classroom Scores - Elementary

  1. Return the scores in Google Classroom.

  2. Create an Assignment in Aeries.

  3. Type the name, select the category, and add the points. Select Save and close.

  4. Go to the new Aeries Assignment.

  5. Select the down arrow to show a new menu.

  6. Click on Import from Google.

  7. Select the Google Classroom and assignment.

  8. Click Confirm.

An error will appear if a student does not have a score. Scores for every other student will be imported.

Google Classroom to Aeries - Junior High.mp4

Import Google Classroom Assignments & Scores - Junior High

  1. Return the scores in Google Classroom.

  2. From the Aeries Gradebook Dashboard, select Import from Google.

  3. Click Import.

Aeries will import BOTH the assignment information AND the scores.

Only Google Classroom assignments that are worth points will be imported. If you do not want previously imported Aeries assignments to be overwritten, check Is grading complete on individual assignments.

Import Google Forms to Google Classroom to Aeries - Junior High.mp4

Import Google Forms to Classroom to Aeries

Google Forms are a great way to test students. Learn how to import auto-graded and short answer quizzes into Google Classroom.

  1. Open the Google Form and go to the Responses tab.

  2. Optional: Manually score short answers.

  3. Go to the Google Classroom assignment.

  4. Select Import Grades on the right side.

The second half of the video shows junior high school teachers how to mass Import Assignments from Google into Aeries. Elementary school teachers should use the Import Google Classroom Scores - Elementary directions.

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Mass Assign Scores for a non-Google Classroom Assignment.

  1. From the Gradebook Dashboard, click on Class.

  2. If a student was absent, a mark will appear on their cell. Type NA.

  3. Now click on Assignments.

  4. Select the down arrow under the title. A new menu will appear.

  5. Select Mass Assign Values.

  6. Set value for the Number Correct.

  7. Click Save Mass Changes.

Add Scores to a Non-Google Classroom Assignment

  1. From the Aeries Gradebook Dashboard, select Assignment.

  2. Find the assignment.

  3. Next to the student's name, type the score.

  4. Use the arrow key to move down.

Edit Assignments in Aeries Gradebook

  1. To edit an already created assignments, go the Aeries Gradebook Dashboard.

  2. Select Manage Gradebook.

  3. Click on the Assignment tab.

  4. Find the assignment and select Edit.

  5. When you are done editing, click Save and Close.

Delete Assignments in Aeries Gradebook

  1. On the Aeries Gradebook Dashboard, select Manage Gradebook.

  2. Click on the Assignment tab.

  3. Find the assignment and select Edit.

  4. Select Delete.

  5. Click Save and Close.

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Mark Assignment Missing

  1. From the Gradebook Dashboard, click on Class.

  2. Confirm that scores have been added and absent student marked with NA.

  3. Click on the name of the assignment.

  4. Add a checkmark after Is Grading Complete?

  5. A pinkish-orange box will now appear and count as a missing assignment.

Aeries - Transfer Scores.mp4

Transfer a Student From One Period to Another. (Middle School)

  1. From Aeries click Manage Gradebook, then Manage Students.

  2. Find the student, click the drop down and click Transfer.

  3. Select the class and click Transfer.

  4. Click OK and OK again.

  5. Transfer complete.

View the above videos on the #TeamBCSD Learning Channel


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