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The Cornell method provides a systematic format for condensing and organizing notes. There are several ways of taking notes, but one of the most common one is the "two column" notes. The student divides the paper into two columns: the note-taking column (usually on the right) is twice the size of the questions/keyword column (on the left).


Cornell Note Taking - The Cornell System is one of the best-known methods for taking notes - Contains a Cue Column, a Note-Taking Area, and a Summary Area

  • Split Page - Useful when comparing Text Readings to Lecture Notes OR Annotations with Lecture Slides o Split one page in half and compile notes OR o Use two separate pages, on one page have your notes and on the page adjacent have lecture slides or text readings

  • List/Outline Format - Easier to use when taking notes of terms, definitions, facts, and sequences - Uses either Bullets and Sub-bullets (List) or Roman Numerals, Letters, and Numbers (Outline) - Key Topics are the first item of each section with important details listed below

When to Use

  • To reinforce the learning

  • To organize information

  • Ensure active listening

  • Make connections between material


  • It results in more organized notes.

  • It allows students to quickly and identify key words and key concepts from a lecture.

  • The notes can easily be used as a study guide for exam preparation.


  • Record - the page should already be set up with a note taking area, cue column, and a space for summaries.

  • Reduce - Review and condense your notes as soon after class as possible.

  • Recite - Cover your notes and attempt to reiterate key words and phrases in your own words.

  • Reflect - After reviewing and reciting your notes, give yourself some “wait time” to think about them.

  • Review - A brief review of your notes enables you to retain what you have previously learned.