
Effect Size .70


Feedback in the classroom can be defined as “information allowing a learner to reduce the gap between what is evident currently and what could or should be the case”. The measure should not be how much feedback the instructor gives but the more appropriate measure is the nature of feedback received.


  • Timely
  • Constructive/corrective
  • Specific to criterion
  • Verified
  • Focused on product/behavior (not the student)


  • Exit tickets
  • Entrance tickets
  • Quick Checks
  • Quick Writes
  • Rubrics
  • Revisions

When to Use

  • Task feedback points to ideas that work and ideas that don't work
  • Process feedback gives cues for searching and strategizing
  • Self-regulation feedback reinforces engagement and persistence


When feedback and corrective procedures are used, most students can achieve the same level of achievement as the top 20% of students.

Steps for Feedback

  • Focus feedback on the task not the learner
  • Provide elaborated feedback
  • Present elaborated feedback in manageable units
  • Be specific and clear with feedback messages
  • Keep feedback as simple as possible but no simpler
  • Reduce uncertainty between performance and goals
  • Give unbiased, objective feedback, written or via computer
  • Promote a learning goal orientation via feedback
  • Provide feedback after learners have attempted a solution