Sceptical Spider Bat 

Jordans Design ideas 

Jordan was away for the first part of our PBL and on his return he worked with his parents and came up with this idea for a spider type creature mixed with bat like wings and scorpion tail.

Background research 

As part of the process we had to research creatures that lived in the habitat we chose for our creature - the rainforest floor. 

Mackleys design

Mackleys idea was a spider with a scorpin tail and suction cups on the bottom of the legs and has camouflage on the top and it eats the pray with the fangs.


Leighton planned ideas for a monkey typed creature and had to think about MRS GREN - all the features that the animal could have. 

     First plan 

This  is Leighton first plan it has suction cups on the bottom of the feet it is a monkey type mammal it walk like a    


Leighton also researched other creatures that lived in the forest to get some cool ideas for adpatations. 

Our animal we have created is called Sceptical Spider Bat.  The scientific name is Infideliter Aranea Vespertilio. It's classification is mostly an arachnoid but it does have some mammal behaviour and features also.  

The Sceptical Spider Bat is a scavenger that will hunt for an easy meal whether it is high or low like on the ground or in the tree. Scavengers eat dead and decaying animals. It eats small animals like a small poison fly to gain the poison for the poison darts and uses them on the creatures like the Devil Head Glide and it is also a cannibal- will even eat other dead Sceptical Spider Bats. 

The physical characteristics of Sceptical Spider Bat is that it is a cross of a bat, scorpion and spider. It has a wingspan of centimetres, 4 blow darts on its wings (two on each), and a scorpion tail. The body is 8 centimetres long and 7.5  centimetres in width, 8 legs with suction cups on each leg, two front claws, fangs.

Why Sceptical Spider Bat lives on the forest floor of the rainforest, because it is where most of the food they  scavenge for live on the ground in the rainforest. At night time it creates its own web to sleep high in the tree so well it sleeps during the night it is safe from predators that want to eat them.

The adaptations this creature has that allows it to live in the rain forest are its wings which allow it to fly from the predators that are trying to attack them. As it flies away it can use it’s poison porcupine spikes that can shoot like blow darts as a defensive mechanism to paralyse the predator. How it creates its poisonous spikes is sucking the poison from the poisonous flies as it eats, if they don’t eat these flies daily then their spikes will not be poisonous and leaves it more vulnerable to predators. 

After it has caught its prey it uses its fangs to create webs so it can wrap it up so it cannot get away, it then uses long claws to pick it up and fly to a safe place to eat it. Its tail helps to stabilise it during flight, glides through the air and when it is threatened it raises its tail to signal they are ready to try and scare the predators away.  Since the animal is quite light and the rainforest has low gravity they have suction cups on their legs so when it is not flying they are able to stay on the ground or trees.