Snout Nose Scrater

Maddies planning

My first creature was a under water turtle with amazing colors.

Ellas planning

For my first planning I was basing it of sort of land turtle.

   Heavens planning

This is my first creature. I was going for a poisonous lizard like creature.

Final animal

For our final animal we used another creature ella made and added adaptations from the other creatures.

heres our final design

By Heaven, Maddie and Ella

We used a AI generated app to get this creature here is our final report.

Snout nose scrater

Scientific name: Naribus Simae scrater

This amazing creature is a mammal but lays eggs.It has scales to protect the abdomen on the  rocky floor of the volcanic region here's more about this mammal.


The male snout nosed scrater has darker brown fur and skin also is smaller than the female,The female is a foot longer than the male.The snout nosed scrater has poisonous spikes on the back of its back legs to weaken the scraters prey, it has a trunk for drinking water and for hunting out bugs. Sharp claws for swiping prey and climbing.

The snout nosed scrater goes from half a meter at the age of zero to grow up to 2 metres at the age of 5 depending on the gender of the scrater. This creature has scales on its stomach to protect it from sharp rocks it will sweat from its scales on the abdomen. When the creature senses a volcanic eruption by the gasses and the tremors it will hide it and its babies in its cave and shed all its fur.


The snout nosed scrater is one of the many predators in the volcanic region. This creature lives in caves in the volcanic area with its offspring. This animal is nocturnal so it only comes out at night to avoid the bloodwing apex predator. In this habitat the scraters main source of food is smaller spiderdactils.


Scraters eat smaller volcanic animals and poison their prey with their spikes and use their trunk to drink water. While the female is pregnant it eats the volcanic ash around the volcano and the baby’s drink milk from their mothers and suck bugs up through their trunk. The scrater can store food in its stomach so it doesn't have to eat as often.


The scrater mothers lay 3 eggs at a time every 3 years and it takes about 2 months for the eggs to hatch. When the eggs hatch the mother will carry the baby’s on her back and protect them for 2 years until they are fully developed. Scraters live for up to 13 years in their natural habitat.


This amazing creature is only one of the awesome animals on planet x.

We also created a pokemon card.