Aqua Wolf

Aiden's First Plan

Noah's First Plan

I've taken many adaptations from different animals and made a whale type sea creature.

Aesen's First Plan

Aiden's Research

Noah's Research

First I started at sharks, which is what I took the smell from. Next, I started looking at the octopus, which has 3 hearts, so I also borrowed that. I just had to keep repeating this process.

Aesen's Research

Here is our finished design ...

The Aqua Wolf

The Aqua Wolf is an alien creature that is most similar to an underwater dinosaur.The Aqua Wolf, (also known as the Lupus Aquatilis), is a very rare species.There is only 1 species and one place they live. The Coral Reef. The Aqua wolf lives in warmer places, closer to the surface, such as Coral Reefs.

The Aqua Wolf is a weird alien creature, which is around 8 metres long! 

It is a fish, with lots of interesting adaptations. For protection, it has iron plates covering its entire body.

These are also useful to temporarily blind any animals close, using the sun beams to bounce off the metal. When the Aqua Wolf gets really angry, it changes its colour from a light blue to a bright red. 

As Well as the iron plates, it has really sharp teeth and massive horns on its head to fight off predators and attack its prey.

This amazing creature moves gracefully through the water.

It has 4 massive webbed feet, to thrust itself through the water at a top speed of 60kph! Under the webbed feet, it has spikes on its feet, so when the current comes, it can grip onto the floor.

Along with its webbed feet, it has 3 fins, one on either side of its body, and one the top of its head. 

All of these fins make for fast and effective movements through the water.The Aqua wolf has a very good sense of smell-

So good that it can smell anything in the radius of 400 metres!

The Aqua wolf is an omnivore and eats any animal smaller than it.

As well as fish, it can also eat seaweed. 

Aqua wolves have holes on their faces called pit organs, which contain a membrane that can detect infrared radiation from warm bodies up to one metre away. The sense organs are also able to detect electric fields that all living creatures emit. Aqua Wolves have something called a lateral line which is like touch but you don’t have to touch whatever you want to touch it.The Aqua wolf has good smell, hearing, touch, taste and sight

Reproduction isn't easy for Aqua Wolves. Once the female lays her egg, both of the parents leave the egg alone and never come back. Mating happens rarely because the Aqua wolf can only mate once every few years. Once the egg hatches, it is the baby's instinct to go hide in a small cave for around 6 months. They do this to hide from predators while they are young because they have no defence system yet. They only gain something to attack with at two months old, but still then they are vulnerable to predators.