What Can I Help You With?

Photo by Boris Smokrovic on Unsplash

I believe optimal health is your birthright! I offer Equal Opportunity Healing - in other words, I welcome all symptoms including "undiagnosed" and things that others might consider "small"  (no type of discomfort, illness, or pain is too “small” – your body is asking for attention and I take that very seriously). I believe all concerns are equally important. No matter what you come into my office for, you will receive my full dedication and respect.

I am a firm believer in recognizing both where I can help someone and where I can't and, therefore, when appropriate / necessary, I partner with (and / or refer to) other practitioners to provide the client the best possible healing experience.

Treatments and self-care instruction are given by a certified (China*) Medical Qigong Therapist who is highly trained in energetic hygiene & safety; who has been practicing in the US & overseas since 2016; and has clinical experience and / or clinical training in balancing Qi for people who might describe their symptoms in the following allopathic / western / other terms:

For safety reasons, I cannot accept the following as clients:

* While the institute granting my certification is sanctioned by the Chinese Ministry of Health, t​​he state of Colorado does not have an agency able to regulate​​ ​credentialing​ for ​this branch of medicine and therefore, under Colorado SB-215, requires Alternative and Complementary Medicine practitioners to provide a disclosure statement (you will need to read & sign this prior to treatment: https://docs.google.com/document/d/13pkyf74kKXxPaT_tRAQQfUyxwfBZbUFWaOVh3lVUZdg/edit?usp=sharing).

*** NOTE: Medical Qigong can provide benefit for pretty much any type of illness or pain. However, it does get a bit tricky in determining whether Medical Qigong is the most effective / efficient way for you personally to heal at this particular point in your life. ***