Winter Program Director

Congratulations to Beth Guest who has taken the role of Program Director.  We have had some amazing programing coordinators in the past but we feel lucky to have Beth step into this role. Beth has been a volunteer for years in both the coaching area but also as an instructor in safety and master teacher.  Beth is responsible for being a program ambassador, scheduling lessons and making sure the lesson participants and volunteers have what is needed for an enjoyable outdoor experience. 

Beth Guest

About Beth 

Beth loves teaching adaptive because of the variety of lessons she gets to teach. She loves the fun and challenge of skiing, and the feeling of accomplishment and confidence that it brings her.   Beth says it’s so fun to share that with someone who never thought skiing would be possible for them. 

Beth began volunteering with AWeSOMe! in 2015.  She has been skiing all her life, and instructing off and on since she was a teenager, including volunteering for several seasons at the Little Ski Hill.  

Beth is certified in Level 1 Adaptive Skiing.