Strategic Plan and Work Plan

Adaptive Wilderness Sports of McCall, Idaho (AWeSOMe!)

June, 2024 Strategic Plan Summary

AWeSOMe!’s Growth 2002 to 2024


AWeSOMe! was founded in 2002 to address the needs of people with disabilities to recreate in the Idaho outdoors by first offering an After School Alpine Ski Program to a handful of local school children. Since then, AWeSOMe! has become a year-round adaptive outdoor recreation program serving 75 to 100 individuals annually and offering a full range of adaptive sports instruction for individuals with a disability of all ages and abilities from across the western U.S.  Adaptive activities include Nordic and alpine skiing, snowboarding, and snowshoeing in the winter. Summer activities include flat water kayaking, canoeing, adaptive cycling, and day and overnight activity camps.

Challenge Statement

Our greatest challenges are to increase adaptive outdoor recreation opportunities, to help people with disabilities and their families become aware of outdoor recreation opportunities, and to facilitate achievement of success in outdoor recreation and sports participation. It is our responsibility to advocate for and facilitate opportunities for people with disabilities to be able to enjoy the many recreation possibilities available in Idaho.

Student and Families Survey

A 2023 survey of AWeSOMe! students and their families confirmed that AWeSOMe! teaching model works.  Clients’ indicated they found AWeSOMe!s  programs and services to be of exceptional quality, instructors demonstrated concern for safety, services met participants’ goals of having fun and gaining skills and support long-term goals of gaining independence.  One parent’s response to the survey sums up the feelings of many other respondents as well.

“All of the instructors are wonderful and really individualize the lessons and met (my daughter) where she was that day. She not only has made great progress in her skiing but loves it and is proud of herself.  It is sometimes hard to find activities for kids with disabilities that don’t turn everything into therapy, so we love AWeSOMe!’s chance to participate in community activities and have fun.”  (Comment from parent of 7 year-0ld autistic child who has been an AWeSOMe! student last and this year.)

The results of the survey helped direct development of this strategic plan.

AWeSOMe! Strategic Plan for the 2024-2033 planning period