Strengths & Interests

Academic Achiever: These resources may help you to identify career choices, personal strengths, and academic interests. I want you to set and pursue high expectations in striving for academic rigor and career goals. I hope these resources find you well and help you to learn and grow!

Career Choices & Personal Strengths

Discover your strengths by looking at all of the ways that people can be successful. I've included a few buttons containing career resources, as well. The Theory of Multiple Intelligences is based on research by Howard Gardner.

Is math easy for you? Are you passionate about other things, like music, sports, or socializing? Click the button below to see possible strengths.

For more resources regarding careers (pay, education required, future job openings, and etc.), click the buttons below:

Personality Test

Are you an introvert or extrovert? Do you use your feelings or senses more? You can use this casual test to help you identify strengths and see what areas you can grow in. Click the button below for a free personality test:

After you determine your 4-letter personality type, it is fun to find videos on Youtube and other websites that tell you more about your personality type, such as strengths, weakness, and which superhero you are similar to. By the way, my personality type is similar to Batman. :)

Batman: INTJ, The Mastermind

The truth is, Bruce Wayne is an absolutely indisputable INTJ. INTJs are practical, methodical, and good at suppressing their emotion to get the job done. They don’t necessarily have a lot of people skills or make particularly empathetic mentors, but they tend to be very intelligent and logical, making them very effective at carrying out their plans. All of this just screams Batman, who mostly keeps his personal life private, but is always there to execute brilliant ideas (with the help of his money, of course).

The above information was from the following website:


Self-identity is a critical stage for teenagers according to Erik Erikson's Theory of Psychosocial Development. Find out about the various stages presented in this theory by clicking on the button below.

What is most important to you? Has that changed since you were a kid? Will that change when you are 20? 30? Find out about the different stages in life by clicking on the button below.