Skillful Thinker

Skillful Thinker: Learning math is more than just memorizing information. Check out the resources below to help you understand the "bigger picture" of learning mathematics.

Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practice

Student: What's the point in learning this?

Me: In mathematics, every task has a real-world application and provides meaningful engagement when students see this connection. There are 8 Common Core Standards for Mathematical Practices (shown below) to address the importance of learning mathematics.


I have been inspired by the video(s) created by my students and wanted to share their messages on a larger platform (this class website). These students have addressed one or more of these standards in a Flipgrid video with such eloquence, articulation, and charisma worthy enough to be shared on this website to inspire more students, families, and the school community of the importance of learning mathematics.

#1: Problem Solving

Do you think it's important to make sense of problems and solve them without giving up? Why or why not?

Daniel - Problem Solving

#2: Reasoning

Do you think it's important to be able to think of ideas and explain them to someone else? Do you think it's important to be able to measure real-world objects to solve problems? Which do you think is more important?

Alyssa - Reasoning
Ethan - Reasoning
Edgar - Reasoning
Autumn - Reasoning
Lucas - Reasoning

#3: Justifying & Critiquing

Do you think it is important to justify your ideas to others? Do you think it is important to understand other's perspectives/reasoning and be rational when disagreeing with them? Is one more important than the other? Answer 1 or all 3 questions, but explain why or why not.

Briana - Reasoning
Aiden - Justify & Critique

#4: Showing Work

Have you ever used math to figure out a problem in everyday life? Examples of math include drawing a sketch, listing numbers, creating a graph, using a flowchart, and using a formula. Here is my example below. :)


Desmos is a graphing calculator regularly used in math class. This link will take you to an activity that is a fun way that Desmos utilizes sound with graphs.