Flight Paths is all about a steady flow of information and good communication. If you have thoughts about how we can improve what we are doing, please share them!

If you need someone on Staff to take action on behalf of your Flight Paths dog? Please submit a Flight Paths Action Request form (below).

If you just have questions, or need any kind of help moving your dog along its pathway, you can reach out to The Flight Paths Managers, Lana Lesley and Kendra Magdales. You can get in touch with us any of the following ways:


Office Hours: Flight Paths Managers are available to meet in person or virtually on Sundays from 1pm - 2pm and Wednesdays from 6pm to 7pm. You can sign up for a 15-minute slot using this Google Appointment Booking Page.

Find Us!: It is likely that if you are on campus, either Lana is too. Lana's office is in Davenport (Sun-Thurs). 

How do I communicate with the other members of my Flight Crew?

When you join a Flight Crew, the Flight Paths Managers will put you in touch with your crew. Each Flight Crew come to consensus around how they want to communicate with each other as a group, whether it be email, WhatsApp, Fbook messaging, texting. It is up to you! If a group cannot come to consensus, please contact the Flight Paths Manager to mediate.

How do I communicate with the whole Flight Paths Community?

When you sign up for Flight Paths, you will be automatically added to - which is a Google Group. You can control your subscription to that group. It is our hope that Flight Crews will support each other in this forum by sharing information, and serving as resources for knowledge, supplies, and ideas.

How do I give feedback on the program?

We are here for your constructive critique and your praise, so don't be shy about handing out either.  You can email us directly at, or you can submit comments anonymously Flight Paths Feedback Form (below), or you can schedule a meeting with us during Office Hours. Our goal is to make this program as user-friendly as possible for YOU and as useful as possible for YOUR PUP.