APA! Staff

Navigating APA!'s organizational structure can feel daunting. Here are some key people you will encounter as a Flight Crew member.


Flight Paths is run by Lana Lesley (APA! Staff). Lana would love to co-Manage the program with a volunteer.
They can be reached via email at flightpathsmanagers@austinpetsalive.org.


Thomas Brown - Behavior Training Manager

  • Kelsey Hance, Playgroup Program Lead

  • Chris Boerner, Dog Behavior Trainer Lead

    • Ryan Jones, Dog Behavior Trainer

    • Andrew Rohrbaugh, Dog Behavior Trainer

    • Tiara Cooks, Dog Behavior Trainer

    • Jennifer Loughnane, Dog Behavior Trainer

    • Izzy Martin, Dog Behavior Trainer

    • Alexandra Kovar, Dog Behavior Trainer

Vacancy - Behavior Placement Manager

  • Zan Lowell, Dog Behavior Follow Up Supervisor (Indra, Kaitlan, Shonagh, Laura) - Amy Carver on leave

  • Lyndsey Mosso, Dog Foster Behavioral Support Trainer

  • Melody Lamis, Dog Foster Behavioral Support

  • Rebecca Rivera, Dog Foster Behavioral Support

Volunteer Teams: Canine Coaches, DBFU Volunteers, EOD Volunteers, Care Pathway Scorers


Vacancy, Dog Care Senior Manager
Bailey Poindexter, Assistant Dog Care Manager
Paul Turner, Assistant Dog Care Manager
Either Paul or Bailey will be the Manager-on-Duty (MOD) on any given day.
If they both happen to be out, they will appoint a Manager-on-Duty.

The Dog Care Managers supervise the following staff teams and volunteer teams:
Intake Coordinator, Patrick McCrea
Dog Care Technicians & Dog Care Specialists and Dog Walkers - cleaning and daily sanitation duties, feeding and medicating dogs, fitting dogs for appropriate gear, overseeing the wellness of the dogs through daily checklists, meeting the established Dog Care expectations, and ensuring all TLAC dogs are walked/go to playgroup at least two outings per day. Their names are: Aurora, BAM, Brittany, Chris, Claire, Dalton, Elton, Eric, Jason, Jenna, Javier, Jess (Lead Dog Care Medical Specialist), Kalinya, Krystian (Med Specialist), Markella, Marquette, Matthew, Morgan B., Morgan S., Nathan, Nicole, Taylor (Med Specialist), and Tracy

Volunteer Teams: Enrichment Team, Shelter Essentials, Critical Care Helpers


Adoption Manager - Allison Swearingen
Dog Adoption Counselor - Alexandra Locklin, Heather Dickeson, Megan Colstrom
Dog Adoption Support Coach - Carrie Defeo, Lara Cirkovic
Dog Adoption Matchmaker - McKenna DellaVedova, Sara Heinrichs, Sara Price

Foster Manager - Maddie Swab
Dog Placement Assistant Manager - Brookie O'Brien and Erin McInroy
Dog Foster Matchmaker - Alli Miller (Lead), Ashley Harter, Valeria Moreno
Dog Foster Placement Team Lead - Katy Collins
Dog Foster Medical Liaison - Laurel Moulton

Volunteer Teams: DBFU, Dog Foster Care Team, Dog Foster Placement Team, adopt@ Team


The Clinic is overseen by Dr. Alexis Bardzinski.

Veterinarians: Lauren Henderson, Morgan Siewert, Nipuni Ratnayaka, Rachel Gordon, Sarah Drury

Clinic Program Manager: Lauren Heymann,
Medical Clinic Managers: Ruben Paul, Jasmine Hernandez, Fathom Collins (Parvo ICU)

Lauren supervises the Managers.
Ruben supervises the Foster Case Managers and the Adoption Case Managers (who are just called Case Managers), and data entry clerks.
Jasmine supervises Medical Reception and Veterinary Technicians (surgical, recovery, and hospitalized techs).
Fathom manages the Parvo Ward.

Volunteer Teams: Data Entry, Parvo Team, Surgery Team


APA! has a Marketing & Communications Team that is run by Sarah Collica. While they do feature our in-shelter and foster populations, they are primarily responsible for promoting and fundraising for the organization itself. We do not have a staff member dedicated to animal marketing. This is all handled by volunteers!

There is a volunteer team dedicated to Dog Marketing. They are responsible for creating that amazing Dog Marketing Guide. They have a team that reviews, edits and posts everything submitted via the Dog Photo & Video Form and the Dog Bios & Scores Form! This team will also get in there and take photos and write videos for our newer dogs that don't yet have any content for their profile pages. Thank them whenever you can!

But you are the people that create all the creative and beautiful and dynamic content that these people use.

Volunteer Teams: Dog Marketing Volunteers