If you don't see an answer to your question here, email the Flight Path Managers
and we'll help you out!



The Virtual Foster program is being split up into separate responsibilities. It used to be that Virtual Foster served as their dog’s advocate in all areas - marketing, promotion, quality of care, training. That was a hefty amount of responsibility for one person. Many people loved that structure, but it was a challenging amount of work for others. Because of that, volunteers began to form teams around their dog and split up duties.

Flight Paths is leveraging that team-building instinct and hoping to exploit volunteer strengths and training. For example, some people do not want to use social media, others do not want to learn how to train a dog. They should still be able to advocate for a dog, so we’re just making it easier to form teams. And we’re giving the advocacy some structure by basing it on Care Pathways. This sets parameters, goals, and timelines for quality care for each animal so we are all working together toward the same goals.


Another good question! Literally nothing. It’s just being absorbed into Flight Paths wholly intact.


You can log your time spent fulfilling your Coordinator duties under Dog Program Support: Flight Paths.

If you recruit team members to help your Crew's Coordinators, use your discretion as to how to log those hours. For example, a Training Coordinator may have recruited someone to take their Flight Paths dog through TOP Dog class. That person would log their time under TOP Dog. Quality of Life team members that are taking your dog on tandem walks or RTR runs would log that time under Enrichment.


How do I get in touch with the other members of my Flight Crew?

When you join a Flight Crew, the Flight Paths Manager will put you in touch with your crew. Each Flight Crew come to consensus around how they want to communicate with each other as a group, whether it be email, WhatsApp, Fbook messaging, texting. It is up to you! If a group cannot come to consensus, please contact the Flight Paths Manager to mediate.

Can I be on a Flight Crew for more than one dog?

Yes, you can be on a Flight Crew for more than one dog!

Can I be a Coordinator for more than one dog?

Yes - do what you want for who you want! For example, if you want to be the Training Coordinator for one dog, and the Quality of Life and Flow Coordinator for another, and the Inquiries for yet a third dog, that's amazing! Just check the list to make sure someone is not already signed up!

I just joined a Flight Crew, what should I do first?
When you join a Flight Crew for a dog you aren't familiar with, take a week to learn more about your dog by: observing them in Playgroup (if applicable); walking them (if approved to do so); and, observing them in their kennel.

Once you are more familiar with your dog, contact your fellow Crew Members and start sharing observations and notes and ideas for your FP dog. If there are gaps in the dog's care that are outside your area, notify your Flow Coordinator.

I need attention from an APA! Staff Member, what do I do?
You can submit a Flight Paths Action Request form to the Flight Paths Managers, and we will take action on behalf of your dog.


Who decides my FP dog needs Behavior Modification training and now do I know that?

The Behavior Team as a group decides which dogs require more intensive behavior modification (B-Mod) to help those dogs cope with all the rules that come with living with humans. If your dog has a B-Mod Plan, it will show up on your Dashboard. If you see one, make an appointment with someone on the Behavior Team or a Canine Coach to talk through the plan and how/if you can assist with that part of your dog's training. Most B-Mod plans require trainers to lay some serious foundational skills before they can start working more advanced skills. It is ALWAYS useful to help maintain the skills your dog already knows.


What is the enrichment plan for my dog?

Enrichment plans should show up in your dashboard. All dogs receive some kind of daily in-kennel enrichment. If your dog has a specific in-kennel enrichment plan (because they resource guard, or need extra enrichment, or eat toys), then it will show up on your dashboard. If there are no restrictions, then it should say that in your dashboard, and that will mean they might get a kong, or a food dispensing toy, or a regular toy. If your dog has an out-of-kennel enrichment plan, that will show up in your dashboard.

How can I know my dog is getting daily enrichment?

If you have reason to believe that your dog is not receiving its daily in-kennel enrichment, contact the Flight Path Managers and they will check in on your FP dog or you.

How do I take my dog to the APA! Thrift Store Dog Loft?

To take a dog to the Dog Loft, you will reserve it here, and then fill out a Sleepover Request Form.

The Dog Care Team will review your request for a field trip and approve or deny.

If your dog requires a Behavior Consult, they will let the Behavior Team know you need one. Try to give the Dog Care and Behavior Teams as much advance notice as you can so they can schedule you in, but no less than 72 hours if at all possible.

When you are done, you will fill out a Field Trip Feedback Form and let us all know how it went!


Do I have to shoot all the photos and videos myself?

  • If you are just getting started and want to get more recent content on your dog's website profile page, and/or you are launching a social media account, you can hunt for content on any of our Facebook groups or social media accounts.

  • You can also post to our Facebook groups asking volunteers to send you content they might not have posted.

What are some tips for starting a social media account?

  • It's a great idea to start a new account with as much content as you can post to give people visiting you for the first time a lot to look at and fall in love with.


How do I talk about my Heartworm Positive (HW+) dog with Potential Adopters (PA's)?

Is my HW+ dog an adoption or foster priority?

  • HW+ dogs aren't adoption priorities unless there are also other issues going on. All the dogs are on monthly heartworm preventative regardless of their status, and sometimes this results in them becoming negative, so ask your Flow Coordinator to keep an eye on their annual test result. The Clinic and Dog Care staff keep an eye on them to make sure they aren't symptomatic.

  • If you notice your FP dog is out of breath, has a persistent cough, and/or is lethargic (doesn't want to exercise), please report this to your Flow Coordinator so they can check on the dog and submit a Medical Report Form. If you don't have a Flow Coordinator, please email Flight Path Managers and they will check out your dog and submit the form.

  • Once they receive the form, Clinic will check them out and if they are in fact symptomatic for heartworms, Clinic will ask the foster and adoption teams to prioritize their placement.

Why is the Flow Coordinator asking me to help write a "Canned Response" to inquiries for our FP Dog? Aren't I supposed to be responding to inquiries?

Yes, you are supposed to be responding to inquiries and your responses should be tailored to meet the situation (ie, If your dog can't live with kids or close to other dogs, your response to PA's that live in an apartment and have kids would be different than it would to a PA that lived in a house with no kids).

The "Canned Response" is for use by foster and adoption team matchmakers when inquiries come directly to them. While everyone does their best to make sure all adoption inquiries will go to you, all foster inquiries will also go to the foster matchmaking staff, and a fair number of adoption inquiries will go to the adoption matchmaking staff. They rely on you to make sure this canned response has all the basics in there - and, like you, they will tailor their response to match the inquiry.


What is the "Inquiry Response" for? And why am I in charge of it?

The "Inquiry Response" will be used by our foster and adoption Matchmaking staff to respond to inquiries that they field about your FP dog. Work with your Inquiries Coordinator to make sure the response is the best it can be and really covers everything an PA needs to know about the dog.

Flight Paths