Promotion Pathway

Promotion Care Pathway Goals / Milestones

By day 1 - All dogs have bio and one photo

By Day 5 - All dogs have good bio with one good photo

By Day 7 - All dogs have seven photos, one video

By Day 30 - All dogs have 7 great photos, 3 great video clips

By Day 30 - All Level 2 and Level 3 dogs have Social Media Accounts (Insta, TikTok, etc.)

By Day 60 - Level 2 and 3 dogs receive increased Marketing (bio video, video/social features)

By Day 60 - Level 3 dogs Marketing is reviewed monthly

Promotion Dashboard

Here's a Data Studio dashboard to give you a quick visual of your FP dog's promotion needs.


To upload photos or short videos to your FP dog's profile banner, submit them via the Dog Photo & Video Form.

To submit information for a bio for your FP dog, answer the questions in the Dog Bio & Scores Form.

To write your own bio for your FP dog, use this In-Shelter Dog Bio Writing template.

To submit videos longer than 50 seconds, please use to send them to


These are all also great places to hunt for current images/videos of your FP posted by other volunteers.

  • Create an Instagram Account! (Or find someone else to do it!)

  • Run a TikTok Account! (Or find someone else to do it!)

  • And finally, post your dog everywhere! Here's a list of the Facebook groups you can join to talk about how much you love your FP dog:

Dog Volunteers

APA! Volunteers

APA! Level 4+ Graduates

Austin Pets Alive! Adopters!

APA! Dog Foster Facebook Page

We also encourage you to download and use an app called AdoptMeApp - it will place a photo "diary" on your FP dog's profile page - immediately posting pictures you upload to the app. Then you can pick and choose the really beautiful ones to be featured in the photo slides by uploading them via the Photos & Videos form. To upload short videos via this app, you will need to upload them to your personal YouTube channel and then submit the video's url to the app.

And if you have anyone on the team that can create a business card, postcard and/or flier for your pup, put it up all over town! We recommend buying a cup of coffee at your regular coffee haunt and asking if you can leave 10 biz cards at the counter, or hang a poster up. Do it wherever you spend your money! EXCEPT Tomlinson's or HEB - please don't ask them.

Here's a guide we cribbed from Melody Lamis - thank you Melody!

community & RESOURCES

The APA! Dog Marketing Team developed a Dog Marketing Guide for our Fosters that will serve you as well! This guide includes photography, video and bio-writing guidelines and tips & tricks for building a great portfolio for your new bestie. The Dog Marketing Team is run by volunteers. They are the people who download, edit and post everything submitted by volunteers and fosters. It's an enormous amount of work managed by a photos team, a bios team and a video team, all led by the Dog Marketing Lead Volunteer, Marion Lewis. Thank her every time you see her!

Here's a list of the APA! Facebook groups you can join to talk about how much you love your FP dog:

Dog Volunteers

APA! Volunteers

APA! Level 4+ Graduates

Austin Pets Alive! Adopters!

APA! Dog Foster Facebook Page

Check out the Flight Path Manager Library for actual behavior and care staff-approved books that you can borrow on everything from dog body language to enrichment ideas to behavior modification.