Getting Set Up to Flow Coordinate

  1. Coordinate your Flight Crews’ preferred way of communicating.

      • Since they report to you, your preference has more weight, but try to find something you can all agree on - slack, whatsapp, email, facebook messaging, text.

  2. If you don’t already, get to know your dog!

      • While the Flow Coordinator job can be done remotely, it’s preferred that you spend some one-on-one time with your dog within the first two weeks of taking on this role:

        • Watch them in playgroup;

        • Observe them in their kennel;

        • Take them on a walk. If you aren’t trained to handle them yet, ask one of your team members of you can accompany them on the walk.

  3. Request a Matchmaker Summary template from Flight Paths Managers.

  4. Complete the Matchmaker Summary using the Matchmaker Summary Instructions as a guide.

  5. Alert Flight Paths Managers when the Matchmaker Summary is complete, so they can review and post it.

          • The Matchmaker Summary is posted to a spreadsheet that automatically uploads it to ShelterLuv.

          • Never directly edit the Matchmaker Summary memo in ShelterLuv. It will not go into the word doc or the spreadsheet, and your updates will (eventually) be overwritten by the spreadsheet and the information you added/revised will be missed.

You can avail yourself of the Flight Paths dashboard, which provides a quick look at information you can also find in ShelterLuv. The "Watch This Presentation" video gives you a quick over view on how to navigate it.

How to Create and Update the Matchmaker Summary

  • Request your Matchmaker Summary from Flight Paths Managers

  • Fill it in using the Matchmaker Summary Instructions

    • TO UPDATE:

      • Open the doc and enter into “Suggestion” mode

  • it’s a dropdown menu just below the “Share” button

  • Make any changes / updates you see fit (in Suggestion mode)

  • Initial and Date at the bottom of the document (in Suggestion mode)

  • Email Flight Paths Managers to let them know you’re MM Summary is ready for review.

You Need to Use ShelterLuv

All Flow Coordinators must sign this Confidentiality Agreement in order to gain access to ShelterLuv. Once you've signed it, submit it using the Action Request form, and we will get you access!

ShelterLuv is where you will find information not included in the Flight Paths Dashboard including your dog's intake documents, medical history, adoption and foster return forms, sleepover notes, memos from staff and volunteers about playgroup progress, or behavior progress/decline.

Community and Resources

The Canine Coaches are a group of volunteers that regularly work with and train our Level 3 dogs. They are friendly and a great resource if you have questions, want to shadow someone to learn a new skill or meet a new dog, or just hang out with, really. If you need help meeting them (introducing yourself can be hard for some of us), just reach out to a Flight Path Manager and we'll get it done!

Here's a list of the APA! Facebook groups you can join to talk about your FP dog:

Dog Volunteers

APA! Volunteers

APA! Level 4+ Graduates

Austin Pets Alive! Adopters!

APA! Dog Foster Facebook Page

Check out the Flight Path Manager Library for actual behavior and care staff-approved books that you can borrow on everything from dog body language to enrichment ideas to behavior modification.

Helpful documents

Your short hand guide for behavior notes.

This is also referred to as a volunteer's handling level. This guide explains how behavior colors are assigned based on a dog's behavior and handling needs in shelter.

Quick guide to common behaviors in dogs broken down by levels of severity (see Dog Attribute Dictionary) and recommendations on home set up/management required for each. Helpful when determining home set up in Matchmaker Summary, or when reviewing a dog's behavior attributes.

This guide explains how playgroup categories are assigned based on a dog's behavior and handling needs in playgroup.

This document is your guide to ensuring your entire Flight Crew is keeping your FP dog on track to exit the shelter with everything they need to be successful in their new home.

This is a tool to help you track your FP dog along the pathways. Feel free to use it or not, copy it and adjust it to however works best for your brain.

Use this when determining whether or not a dog's cat/dog/kid/home score needs to be upgraded/downgraded (note: scores of '1' require behavior team approval). You must justify any score change in the attribute's disclaimer. If you do not know what this means, let us know and we'll talk you through it.

This checklist shoud be completed immediately for every Level 3 dog in our care, and updated every 30 days and with every notable incident that might affect the dog's outcome. The purpose of this checklist is to ensure and to document that Austin Pets Alive! has done every single thing we can to save this dog's life. It should be a working / living document as we consult experts, plea to rescues, work with professional trainers, etc.

Your Inquiries Coordinator will field all of your dog's inquiries, but in case they need to help or miss some, the Adoption Matchmakers will refer to the MatchMaker Summary and send out the inquiry response included in it. When you are ready to create your FP dog's Matchmaker Summary, send in an Action Request, and a Flight Path Manager will create the document and email it to you to complete. We'll ask that you update it monthly.

This is a way to see every memo entered in your dog's record. And a way to see your dog's Complete Medical History. This is h
ighly recommended for initial reviews as it's all the information in the most digestible format.

ShelterLuv provides a help guide and a training module, but you are also free to schedule office hours to have us walk you through anything you need.

This dictionary defines all attributes used in ShelterLuv, which should be reviewed in the dog's file every 4 weeks to make sure they accurately reflect the dog's current summary. Please note any attributes that seem out-of-date in your classroom folder for review by the Flow Manager.

BITE SCALE (Ian Dunbar's original scale - this will be modified in the next few months)
To note bite severity when describing bite incidents in the Matchmaker Summary. If bite severity is unclear, please note that the damage is unclear v. assigning a bite level without enough information. Any dog with a Bite History needs a corresponding "Bite History" attribute in ShelterLuv, and many will have bite photos to reference in the attachments of their file. For APA! purposes, "Bite History - Moderate" is used for Level 3-4 bites, "Bite History - Severe" is used for Level 5-6 bites, and "Bite History" is used for Level 2 bites and/or those bites where the level is unclear (see Dog Attribute Definitions).

Flow Coordinating

Flow Coordination


  • Make Contact with your Flight Crew and submit the Flight Crew Weekly Check-In form.

  • Review Shelterluv (SL) file entries for new information about your FP dog for any information that should be urgently added to the Matchmaker Summary, the BC, or that your team should be aware of (eg, bite incident, handling incident, illness.)

  • Alert Flight Paths Managers to any updates so they can review and post them in SL.


  • Gather up your Flight Crew’s monthly updates and submit them to Flight Paths Managers using the Flight Crew Monthly Check-In form.

  • Update Matchmaker Summary (monthly for Level 2 dogs, every 2 weeks if possible, for Level 3 dogs), and any time a significant incident occurs. Things that might warrant an update before the month is up are:

  • a bite

  • handling incident

  • achieving TOP Dog Ready status

  • a Score change

  • PG status change

  • Alert Flight Paths Managers when you have signed off on the Matchmaker Summary so they can review and post it.

  • Check in with your Flight Crew to discuss/create action plans to improve their prospects. Things to consider include:

    • What are the barriers to adoption?

    • Does the dog have the appropriate enrichment plan?

    • Does the dog need additional enrichment (slow feeder, puzzle, agility, running wheel)?

    • Does the dog need medical attention?

    • Is the dog highly stressed / anxious?

    • Does the dog have a medical / enrichment / training / marketing plan that addresses adoption barriers?

    • Does the dog have the appropriate handling gear?

    • Is the dog's living space clean and comfortable?

    • Is the dog's feeding plan appropriate?

    • Are the dog's Scores accurate?

    • Is the dog a priority for either short- or long-term foster care?