AISD Tech Apps Troubleshooting

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This section will focus on how to troubleshoot the most common issues you may have with Portal.

Please use this table of contents to navigate to the section you need.

For additional support, contact the Austin ISD Technology Help Desk for Students.

Basic Troubleshooting

Basic Troubleshooting Steps

Don't forget to check the basic troubleshooting tips that work for most issues. If those still do not fix your issue then check out the resources on this page.

Check the working status of AISD systems

Are you having problems with Portal or other apps? Check to see that it is up and running.

Portal is Not Working/Can't Log In to Portal

There are several reasons why the Austin ISD portal may appear to not be working.

Potential Cause #1: Your login timed out.

If you leave your computer open or on, your portal login may time out but appear to still be logged in. Close out your tab with the portal, and reopen portal at and try logging back in.

Potential Cause #2: There are issues with certain apps in portal.

If some of your portal apps are working but others are not, then it is likely that there may be issues with specific applications. This means that while your connection to the portal is working, the software application may not be working. You can check the status of the most used applications by checking their on the home page.

Potential Cause #3: The portal is not working.

Sometimes portal outages occur and you may get an error message when you try to log in. If you are the only person experiencing this issue, it is recommended that you contact the help desk. If many other people are experiencing the same issue, then it is likely an issue with the portal.

If the portal is not working, this means that you will likely be unable to access other applications within the portal. You can try accessing BLEND (Canvas) directly by going to .

What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you forget your password, let your teacher know and they can reset your password for you.