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General troubleshooting for most issues

Step 1: Check the AISD Technology Dashboard

Check to make sure that all apps and systems are working. It may be an issue that you cannot fix.

Step 2: Check your WiFi

If you are not connected to WiFi, you will be unable to use many apps or features on your Chromebook. This is the first step in checking to make sure that everything is working.

Learn how to check your WiFi settings.

Step 3: Reload or refresh

Sometimes an error occurs when a page or app is trying to connect. Reloading or refreshing helps the process start over and can fix the issue.

Step 4: Close extra tabs or apps

If you have too many tabs or apps open, it can slow your computer down. Try closing ones you are not using and see if that fixes your issue.

Step 5: Log out and log back in

Many applications that you access rely on authenticating that you are a registered user. How long you are logged in may vary and your login can time out. When this happens, you may not realize that you have been logged out. Logging out and in or restarting an application from portal will ensure that you are properly logged in.

Step 6: Restart your device

Every device has a limited amount of memory that it can use to run various applications. Every application, software, and webpage that you have open uses this memory even if you are not actively using them. Restarting helps to clear the memory which often appears to fix the issues you are having.

What do I do if I forgot my password?

If you forget your password, let your teacher know and they can reset your password for you.

What do I do if I am still having issues with a specific app?

Check out the troubleshooting pages for specific AISD apps to find solutions for issues you may be experiencing. If those still do not work, contact the Austin ISD Technology Help Desk for Students.