CMAS: Science
The Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS): Science is Colorado’s standards-based assessment designed to measure the Colorado Academic Standards (CAS) in the content area of science. It is the state summative assessment for science designed to gauge how well students are mastering the standards and are prepared for their next grade. The CMAS science assessment was developed by a collaboration between The Colorado Department of Education, testing contractor Pearson, and Colorado educators.
A very small number of students with significant cognitive disabilities may take the Colorado Alternate Assessment (CoAlt) based on the Extended Evidence Outcomes (EEOs) of the CAS. The state of Colorado provides alternate assessments in the same content areas of language arts, math, science and social studies in lieu of taking the CMAS and SAT/PSAT.
CDE’s website provides additional information including the frameworks for the CMAS assessments here:
Parent resources from CDE is here:
Frequently Asked Questions
Who takes CMAS: Science?
All 11th grade students.
How will students be tested?
CMAS is primarily an online test with an option for a paper/pencil test for students with accommodations. There are 3-50 minute sections that will be taken. Students will have a 15 minute break in between each section.
Students will need to use a school-issued Chromebook to take the exam. If they do not have one, they will be able to borrow one on the day of testing.
How can students prepare?
CMAS measures skills and knowledge that students have been learning throughout the school year. Through classroom instruction, teachers often provide students with multiple experiences taking this type of assessment. For practice items and tutorials within the testing platform, visit the CMAS Practice Resources.