Say Something is a youth violence prevention program from Sandy Hook Promise – a national violence prevention organization. Say Something Anonymous Reporting System allows youth and adults to submit secure & anonymous safety concerns to help identify and intervene upon at-risk individuals BEFORE they hurt themselves or others.
The system enables school administrators and law enforcement to create effective interventions and to help prevent violence, suicide, bullying, self-harm and other forms of threatening behavior.
For more information or to file a report visit the district webpage here.
The Bias Incident Reporting System is part of AUHSD's effort to promote safe environments where all students can learn.
The Bias Incident Teams at each site are responsible for:
Working together to respond to incidents of Bias at every school site. Teams have administrators, counselors and teachers.
Recommending appropriate actions that are both preventative and responsive.
Ensuring multiple perspectives are held when discussing incidents.
Collecting and sharing data monthly with staff, student and parent groups while ensuring confidentiality and student privacy.
Monitoring campus climate and recommending changes, training, or school wide curriculum around a particular issue.
Educating students around issues of bias. Here are some helpful definitions.
What does the Bias Incident Team do?
Assist students who report incidents. Students can report anonymously; but for those who do not, we support them by listening to their experiences, discussing the resources available to them and options for follow up and restorative conversations.
We keep records of incidences so we can monitor student climate and recommend improvement areas and actions.
We promote conversation about bias, diversity and equity issues on campus.
To file a BIRT report please go here.