Alice Walker & Womanism

Alice Walker

  • Born in 1944, in Eatonton, Georgia, Walker grew up to be a highly acclaimed poet and writer. Best known for her work The Color Purple, which won many prizes and was adapted to film by Spielberg in 1985 ( 1). She is also well known for her role as an activist in the community.
  • What lead Walker to reading and writing was an incident at eight years old where she was shot in the eye with a bb gun leaving her right eye damaged. She received many insults due to this she took comfort in reading and writing ( ). Walker excelled in her schooling, finishing top in class. After college, she went on to work as social worker, teacher, and lecturer. She was active in fighting for equality for all African Americans (
  • Throughout the years Walker has published several different works that have evolved and changed the ideals of womanism. There is also many authors who have come to add to her ideas of womanism.

Alice Walker's definition


1. From womanish. (OOP. of "girlish," i.e., frivolous, irresponsible, not serious.) A black feminist or feminist of color. From the clack folk expression of mothers to female children, "You acting womanish," i.e., like a woman. Usually referring to outrageous, audacious, courageous or willful behavior. Wanting to know more and in greater depth than is considered ""good" for one. Interested in grown-up doings. Acting grown up. Being grown up. Interchangeable with another black folk expression: "You trying to be grown." Responsible. In charge. Serious.

2. Also: A woman who loves other women, sexually and/or nonsexually. Appreciates and prefers women's culture, women's emotional flexibility (values tears as natural counterbalance of laughter), and women's strength. Sometimes loves individual men, sexually, and/or nonsexually. Committed to survival and wholeness of entire people, male and female. Not a separatist, except periodically, for health. Traditionally universalist, as in: "Mama, why are we brown, pink and yellow and our cousins are white , beige and black?" Ans: "Well, you know the colored race is just like a flower garden, with every color flower represented." Traditionally capable, as in: "Mama, I'm walking to Canada and I'm taking you and a bunch of other slaves with me." Reply: "It wouldn't be the first time."

3. Loves music. Loves dance. Loves the moon. Loves the spirit. Loves love and food and roundness. Loves struggle. Loves the Folk. Loves herself. Regardless.

4. Womanist is to feminist as purple to lavender." (Harris).

Walker's Publications


Alice Walker is a famous poet and she released her first volume of poetry called "Once".


Alice Walker published her first novel, "The Third Life of Grange Copeland".


Alice Walker published her second novel, "Merdieran".


One of Alice Walker's most famous and influential publications is her novel The Color Purple. The novel revolves around the character Celie and her struggles of abuse, sexism, racism, and classism. The Color Purple has won the Pulitzer Prize for fiction in 1983 and has sold over 5 million copies. (huffington post)


Alice Walker published her fifth novel, "Possession of a Secret Joy".


Alice Walker worked with Pratibha Parmar to create the documentary "Warrior Marks", which is about female subject matter.