March 2022 Board Meeting

Audubon Neighborhood Association

Board of Directors Meeting

Online via Zoom


Minutes taken by Christian Hokans

  • Spring Festival Update: We need people to take responsibility for the following aspects of the Festival:

  • Timing? 10:00 – 2:00, potentially not starting food until 11:00.

  • Ticket Booth: ???

  • Music: Jean Luc & Deb. But he is looking for local artists who may be willing to come and play for no cost.

  • Food: Christian will start sending emails once Deb forwards her list of prior donors. Ideas include root beer keg.

  • Games: Northeast Middle School should have the games. We just need to ask. Deb will reach out to them initially and then get back to us. We are still looking for someone to oversee the games at the event and coordinate with the parents from NE Middle School on this.

  • Farmers Market Update: Deb interviewed Michelle Spangler for the Farmer’s Market manager position. Deb is interviewing one more candidate this week.

Even though we cannot use the Coffee Shop NE for an office, we can still use the Johnson Street Merchant’s Lot for our Farmer’s Market this summer. Deb is still searching for a better storage alternative for Farmer’s Market equipment. Deb will reach out to the owners of I Like You, who own a garage adjacent to the lot and will report back to us.

We took a final vote on moving the Farmer’s Market to this new lot. No one objects.

  • Upcoming Community Meeting: Emergency preparedness will be a topic. Elliot Payne. The meeting will be in person, but we will have a zoom option for people to watch and participate.

  • Other Business: We are still looking for a new office space in the neighborhood since the Coffee Shop NE fell through. Deb’s got her ear to the ground