February 2022 Board Meeting

Audubon Neighborhood Association

Board meeting minutes


Present: Anne Bechtel, Christian Hokans, Elijah Schwartz, Jean-Luc Kamin, Deborah Brister

Discussion on Lowry-Central Letter and participation in Lowry Central meeting.

Discussion about City NCR City-wide neighborhood Board elections on May 14, 2022. City will do promotion of this Election Day. This would be a supplemental election and then ANA could promote during Spring Festival on May 7. Board agreed to hold these mid-year elections.

Discussion on Farmers Market manager position, job description and job posting.

Exploration of switching banks due to continuous frustration with Wells Fargo and moving to Northeast Bank. Vote unanimously approved to make that move.

Discussion to change name of Spring Wing Ding to Audubon Spring Festival. Creation of Events Committee. Anne an Christian will be on committee. This is open to anyone in the community similar to 29th Ave Task Force. Conversation on Chanty for dates.

Farmers market lot finalize vote to use Johnson Street Parking lot. Lot condition is adequate especially near street side. If JSMA wants to apply for grant to improve lot condition they can apply for ANA business grant. Discussion on leasing office space and storage space at 2844 Johnson building with Mark Van Patter.

Discussion on changing Deborah’s job title from administrator to executive director. Anne presented differences between those two positions emphasizing the ED leads the org, responsible for strategic plans, can make hiring/employment decisions and can negotiate, grant write and enter into new financial obligations, sign contracts. Vote to elevate job description was approved unanimously.

Meeting adjourned