December 2021 Board Meeting

Audubon Board of Directors Meeting

December 27, 2021, 6:30pm

Online via Zoom

Minutes taken by Christian Hokans, Secretary

We discussed the “official” Board documents, including bylaws, employee handbook, etc.

The Board was generally in favor of reviewing these documents in a piecemeal fashion throughout the year to look for improvements.

For example, we wanted to review the documents to make sure that none of are required meetings are stated as being solely “in person.” We may also want to reduce the overall number of committees.

The Board took a formal vote to approve the policy and procedures documents. The vote passed with unanimous consent by all four Board members present voting in favor.

The Board reviewed progress on the Equitable Engagement and Neighborhood Network Fund 2022 grant applications.

Deb will distribute the budget via email and we’ll provide our votes on that via Chanty so that Deb can submit both grant applications before the first of the Year as required.

Strategic Planning:

  • Anne brought up public safety as a potential “top three” priority.

  • We will start discussing the top three on Chanty and try to decide on them prior to February’s community meeting.

Advertising for February community meeting. Christian is happy to help Deb put up flyers around the neighborhood. We should try to do this

Councilmember Payne. We are reaching out to him but he has not been sworn in yet.

Signatory Meeting @ Wells Fargo – We need to schedule a time for officers to go down to Wells Fargo to fill out the paperwork.