Health and Environment Sustainability in the Loyola Schools

Building sustainable and life-preservation practices is at the center of Ateneo student organizations efforts. Student life is geared towards climate justice, adoption of sustainable lifestyles, and health promotion within and beyond Ateneo in response to the call of operating in a way that meets the present needs without compromising the ability of the future to meet their own. 



The Ateneo Environmental Science Society presents ENVIted to Action. This five-day long Photo Series showcases the different student environmental defenders present around the country. It aims to raise awareness of the current situation of the environment based on the stories of student environmental defenders.


Plant with AESS

Looking for a new hobby this coming summer break? ☀️ Then rest, relax, and recuperate with your plant babies as we launch Plant With AESS! From June 13 to 17, 2022, you can get yourself a Plant Starter Kit and build your own Personal Plant Paradise at home


Get to FilipiKnow 

Get to FilipiKnow is a one-day conference that aims to raise awareness on the environmental impacts of plastic consumption and pollution during the COVID-19 pandemic; promote companies and businesses that produce and use eco-friendly packaging; and equip participants with the necessary knowledge, skills, and methods to reduce their personal contribution to plastic pollution in the country.


Envi Camp

Envi Camp 2022 is a 5-day online camp which discusses different environmental issues that persist in the different fields. Each speaker would be instructed to talk about how they encounter these issues in their current field, discuss what the issue is, and share why addressing this issue is an integral part of their career. The project is an online camp consisting of talks from speakers, post-processing sessions and a culminating project (individual and voluntary). It would also be open to both ateneans and non-ateneans who wish to learn more about the interdisciplinary environmental issues that persist in society today.



The Discernment Talk series features credible speakers that discuss their experiences in ther health-related occupation. It will serve as a discerning activities for our members, and also equip them with different perspectives of the medical field. 


Reseta Newsletter

Reseta is divided into news, features and a fun page. “News” encompasses relevant health information and summaries of the organization’s projects. “Features” contains informal articles that focus on anything health related even from pop culture. The fun page has activities to further engage its readers.


COVID-19 Bulletin

This project involves weekly publications of important COVID-related news from within the Philippines to the rest of the world. Scientific research, economics and politics relating to the pandemic will be discussed alternatively each week.

Public Health Talks

The Pre-Medical Society of the Ateneo presents a livestream of Public Health Talks: Exploring Healthcare Access in Far-flung Communities through the Lens of Doctor to the Barrios. Stay tuned, and learn some tips and valuable insight about community health from our speakers, Dr. Abacan and Dr. Aimee Capinpuyan!



MEDisKOOL aims to motivate the general public to elicit proper course of action and decision-making when choosing a medical school to apply with. Hence to achieve such goals, the student-led initiative will disseminate relevant information and timely facts about the local medical schools all over the Philippines through infographics.