
This includes changing external governance landscapes including potential legislation, regulation, or standards, as well as external scrutiny from media and civil society.

Internally, metrics and reports can help other teams and leadership to understand T&S approaches and challenges. Externally, telling the story of T&S work can create ground for parallel or shared efforts to minimize the bad and maximize the good of technology products.

As the field grows, it is also maturing and becoming more formal. 

The scale of both online and real-world technology diffusion is massive, and so the number of opportunities for cybersecurity issues, content issues, and bad behavior, all the “bad things,” to show up is huge. This means that the need for T&S detection, filtering, and user reporting is also massive.

More recently the spectrum of T&S work has expanded from response to a more proactive stance, and even as far as prevention through advising on the design of new products and features. 

There is a strong trend towards greater collaboration. This includes internal collaboration in the form of cross-team work as well as the establishment of more interdisciplinary teams within companies. The trend is also external, showing up as cross-company and industry-wide collaboration, as well as work with partners such as NGOs, law enforcement, and others. 

Incorporating T&S and subject matter expertise in T&S, having more inclusion, more voices, more experiences, contexts, means that more harms can be anticipated and perhaps mitigated or prevented. 

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