CPT Checklist

CPT Prerequisites:                                                                                              Check Yes/No:

Does your GPA meet handbook requirements?


Way to go!


STOP! Before applying for CPT, it is essential to meet the required GPA criteria. Please ensure that your GPA meets the eligibility requirements before proceeding with your application. Refer to MS/MCS GPA Matrix.

Do you have an approved iPOS?


Well done! you are eligible to submit your CPT request. 


Please make sure to submit your iPOS before proceeding with your CPT request. Both the iPOS and CPT requests can be submitted or reviewed simultaneously.

Does your internship start and end within the semester dates?




Students are strictly limited to working within the designated start and end dates, without any exceptions. Review Step 2 again. Please refer to the ASU Academic Calendar for the specific semester dates.

Are you eligible for CPT this semester? 




STOP! Before you proceed with applying for CPT, it's important to ensure that you meet all the eligibility requirements. Please review STEP 1 carefully, and once you fulfill the necessary criteria, you can proceed with your application for the upcoming semester.

Are you a graduating student?


The last date of finals will be your CPT end date which must be listed on your CPT application, no exceptions. 


Students are strictly limited to working within the designated start and end dates, no exceptions. Review Step 2 again. Please refer to the ASU Academic Calendar for the specific semester dates.

Are you planning to do 12-credits (semester "overload") and do a CPT internship?


Sorry, you cannot do both.  You may do one or the other, but not both. Your CPT request will not be approved, no exceptions. 


Good! You cannot do both. You may do one or the other, but not both. 

Any assigned deficiency courses have been completed, waived, or are in progress to be completed.




Ideally, any assigned deficiency courses should be complete before completing CPT. Students must complete deficiency courses within one-year (summer included) to avoid being placed on progress probation (and risk dismissal from the program). It is not recommended to complete full-time CPT and coursework in the accelerated Summer sessions.

Adobe Sign:                                                                                                           Check Yes/No:

Do you have your copy of the original offer letter?


Congratulations! Well Done.


You are required to attach the offer letter to your Adobe sign. You cannot proceed further without your offer letter. 

Do you have your complete ISSC CPT Info Sheet (all fields filled out; employer signature at the bottom)


Awesome! Please ensure that all fields are fully completed and double-checked for accuracy. Employer signature is required.


Please note that leaving any field blank in your application may result in its rejection. In such cases, you will be required to reapply, which will reset the entire process. It typically takes 3-4 weeks to process a CPT application. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that all fields are completed accurately to avoid any delays or the need for reapplication.

Do you have your educational objective technical and specific to your courses?


If your educational objective is not sufficiently technical and specific, your application will be rejected, requiring you to reapply and restart the process. Processing a CPT application usually takes 3-4 weeks. Review instructions on how to write an educational objective

Do you have all the required emails for Adobe Sign? 


Awesome! Please make sure to check all your participant information. This is a very crucial step of Adobe Sign.


Non-thesis students must enter information for Participant 2 (SCAI Advising) and Participant 3 (Internship Supervisor). Thesis students must enter information for Participant 2 (SCAI Advising) Participant 3 (Internship Supervisor) and Participant 4 (Faculty Chair). If the emails are not correctly submitted and you sign in place of advisor your application will be reported for Academic Dishonesty.

Are you applying for a Fall/Spring Internship? 


Awesome! Please make sure to read and submit the Disclaimer Form, it is required for the Fall or Spring Applications. 


Disclaimer Form is not needed for the Summer Application.

Is a third party paying your internship salary?


You will need to complete TWO CPT Request Forms; one for the company where you will be working and another for the third-party company. Both of them will be listed as Participant 3. Additionally, you will need a CPT Employer Sheet for both parties. 


Great! No additional steps are required.