Student Success Team

Trevor Knox

Our career coaches are available to assist you in making informed decisions regarding your education degree and experiences with the goal of long-term success. MLFTC career coaches offer assistance with resume building, interview techniques, part-time jobs, full-time jobs, internships, networking, professional development and more. 

Lauren Lee

MLFTC’s academic coach supports students with various academic success topics, including college transition, time management, organizational skills, goal setting, studying, note-taking, test preparation, and more.  

Carmen Zavala

MLFTC’s financial coaches work with you to strengthen and support your financial literacy. This includes hosting financial aid workshops for you and your parents — including sessions on how to manage student debt — and how to reduce it by filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid and applying for scholarships, loans and grants. 

Natoya Brown

The MLFTC wellness coach offers wellness events, workshops and presentations that help you explore and learn more about your well-being. Once you discover what you enjoy and what works for you, you can incorporate those activities into your lifestyle.