Frequently Asked Questions

What are some additional responsibilities I may have outside of teaching? 

Some additional responsibilities include lunch duty, yard supervision, after-school/before-school supervision, club/sports moderator, IEP meetings, parent-teacher conferences, back-to-school night, curriculum night, PTA events, professional developments, etc. 

What should I consider when looking for placements?

-Location (consider driving time)

-Resources (what does the school or district provide teachers with)

-Mentorship (does the district have a new teacher induction program, how often will you be meeting with your mentor, will the mentor be in the same grade level, will you be working with a grade level team, does the district offer any other mentorship oportunities)

-Onboarding (with a paid placement you will most likely be required to start when the other teachers start and you may have to attend begining of the year training for your district)

-Type of curriculum (Does the district provide you with the curriculum you will teach or are you responsible for creating and finding your own curriculum?) 

What would some of my job responsibilities be?                                                                                         

What is a Title 1 school?

Title I is a federal education program that supports low income students throughout the nation. Funds are distributed to high poverty schools, as determined by the number of students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. The funds can be used to hire additional teachers or teaching assistants, to provide computers or software, to fund before, after and summer school programs, and to purchase additional materials or equipment. 

Do I follow ASU's calendar or my school's/district's calendar?

Hours will only be counted during the official Start and End dates for placement classes; however, paid positions typically follow the School/District calender. As such, students should discuss the specific start and end dates of positions with the individuals schools. 

What if I do not meet ASU's requirements for a paid position? 

Connect with your Placement Coordinator or Experience Coordinator. Depending on the reason why, you may be able to receive an exception.