Paid Process

*PIA Paperwork DUE: 1st day of ASU classes*

What do I need to complete the Paid Internship Agreement?

Administrator's Name and Email

Mentor Teacher's Name and Email

Contract or Letter of Intent

10 Minutes of your time

Prior to accepting a position or signing a contract, students should reach out to their placement coordinator to verify the job they are applying for falls within their program requirements. 

Once hired, the student completes the Initial Paid Verification Google Form. This will provide your placement coordinator with the information needed to create the Paid Internship Agreement. 

Complete the Paid Internship Agreement (PIA), sent to them by their placement coordinator from Adobe Sign. 

The designated campus administrator and mentor teacher assigned to the student, will also need to sign the document from Adobe. 

Once all required signatures are collected, the placement coordinator will approve the Paid Internship Agreement

Upon completion of the Paid Internship Agreement, the placement coordinator will enter the students placement into Sonia

Prior to any changes to mentor, subject area or grade level, the student needs to contact PES and their placement coordinator for approval.