As a graduate student at MLFTC, you’ll work with an experienced team of academic advisors that provide individualized guidance throughout your degree or certificate program. Call us at 602-543-6358. 

Academic advisors are here to help you succeed throughout your journey as an undergraduate student. When you are admitted as a student to Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College, you are assigned to an advising team based on your degree program. Your advising team is dedicated to helping you navigate your college experience.

Team Gila

BAE Physical Education

BAE Secondary Education

Certificate, Environmental Education

Certificate, Secondary Education - including

Herberger, CISA, New College and The College

Team Ocotillo

BAE Early Childhood Education

BAE Elementary Education

BAE Elementary Multilingual Education

BAE Special Education

BAE Special Education (Visual Impairment)

Minor, Early Childhood

Certificate, Environmental Education

Team Thrive

BAE Educational Studies

BAE Educational Studies (Instructional-Design)

BAE Educational Studies (Early Childhood)

BAS Applied Science (Early Childhood Studies)

Minor, Educational Studies

Minor, Instructional Design