Bully Prevention Resources

What is Bullying?

Bullying is intentional negative behavior that’s repeated and involves an imbalance of social or physical power.

Who is Affected?

Bullying doesn’t just affect the students being bullied. It can cause emotional harm and reduce academic achievement for all students involved.

How to Prevent It

Schools are uniquely positioned to prevent bullying, and effective prevention requires a multi-pronged effort.

"Bully" is Not a Noun

Bullying is not a fixed characteristic. It’s something you can choose to do—or not. A message from bullying prevention expert Mia Doces.

Parents & Guardians

Make conversation a daily habit.

Seattle Seahawks Wide Receiver Doug Baldwin and La-Z-Boy partner to help stop bullying and share some tips with parents.

A discussion with Sesame Workshop.

The producers of Sesame Street—are partners to prevent bullying. Watch this five-part series to learn more about bullying, its effects, and what to do.