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Please try the following if you are not able to login or error messages appeared.

1-If you have any trouble while using ASK-ONLINE, first, try to clear your browser's cache and then hard-reload the webpage and try again.

 How to clear browser's cache

 How to hard-reload webpage

2-When you cannot login.

 ▶Please check if you insert the correct password and try again. Or, try by resetting your password by clicking on the "Forget password?" under the login button. (You may set your new password with same current password.)

-For temporary solution when you are having trouble with your ASK-ONLINE account, please try with a different browser. Please do the "clear browser's cache" and "hard-reload webpage" in Step(1) on the other browser before using your account.

 ※For example, if your are currently using Safari browser, please try with Google Chrome browser.

-If you still have problem after trying the above, or you have any others inquiries, please fill in the form below.

Please note that we may need 2 to 3 business day to process your inquiries.