Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success
The who - Ko Tāuto Tenei
Mihi - RangitĀne
Ko Ruahine me Tararua ngā maunga e korowaitia tō mātou kura
Ko Whārite te taumata
Ko Manawatū te awa e rere nei
Ko Kurahaupo te waka e hoe nei
Ko Rangitāne te mana whenua
Ko Ashhurst te kura
Ko mātou o te kura e whakanui i ngā tohu whenua o Rangitāne whānui
Our school pepeha is a way of us acknowledging the landmarks of our place in Aotearoa New Zealand. Te Apiti is recognised in the pepeha of our school as the pinnacle of success and the peak we are striving for due to it being the highest peak in our rohe. We have included the mountains that reside next to our school. The Manawatū river which flows through our area is acknowledged for the contribution it makes to the land which surrounds our school. We are acknowledging Kurahaupo as the waka that brought Rangitāne tangata to the area and the school as Otāngaki, it's te reo Māori translation. The final line allows us as a school to say we acknowledge all the important landmarks of the Rangitāne.
Ashhurst School and Community History
Ashhurst is a state co-educational full primary school. Ashhurst School began as a two-room country school in 1879 and, in the intervening years, has grown to a roll of 400 plus. Children come from urban and rural backgrounds, being drawn from within the Ashhurst Township and the surrounding rural communities. The rural children come by bus from the Pohangina Valley. The children come from a vast range of socio-economic backgrounds, but the overall mix tends to be balanced. There is a rolling turnover of around 15% per year.
The town has several early childhood providers, so most children arrive at Ashhurst School with pre-school experience and established relationships. A small number of Māori children have attended the Kōhanga Reo in Palmerston North. Our Māori children represent approximately 20% of the roll.
Our school is a community of learners who respect and value each other and our place in Ashhurst, our environment and the wider world.
At Ashhurst School, every decision is based on: “How does this affect the learning of our students”
The How - me PĒWHEA
Board Policies and Procedures
The Ashhurst School Board of Trustees will meet all its required obligations of the:
Te Tiriti O Waitangi
Te Mātaiaho - The NZ Refreshed Curriculum
The Statement of National Education and Learning Priorities (NELPs)
Education Acts
5 Year and 10-Year Property Plans
Other such requirements set forward by the Ministry of Education or legislations by the NZ Government
Ashhurst School policies and procedures can be accessed through its School Docs portal. Please click on the following link to source these