Te Whakangārahu Ngātahi | Planning Together for Ākonga Success
Strategic Overview
"Ehara taku toa, he takitahi, he toa takitini"
My success should not be bestowed onto me alone, as it was not individual success but success of a collective.
We demonstrate Whai Ngākau for ako, tāngata & whenua
We demonstrate Tū Tangata for ako, tāngata & whenua
We demonstrate Manawaroa for ako, tāngata & whenua
take responsibility for own actions
look after property and possessions
live by our school values
value themselves as learners
do our best at all times
look after each other
demonstrate manners and courtesy
demonstrate positive and responsible attitudes towards their physical, mental, social, and emotional needs
show tolerance, open-mindedness, and sensitivity
build positive relationships and show compassion for others
use strategies to deal with discrimination, prejudice, and discrimination
encouragement to stick to a task
always do our best
take risks
seeing setbacks as a challenge to overcome
striving for quality
high expectations in everything we do
an encouraging and supportive climate
achievement recognised
peer and self assessment
The ākonga of our school will leave Ashhurst being able to "Act from the heart"
The ākonga of our school will leave Ashhurst being able to "Lead from the heart"
The ākonga of our school will leave Ashhurst being "Strong of heart"