Ace UnConference
Attendee Policies

COVID-19 Policy

It’s important to us that this event be made accessible to all members of the community, including those with health concerns or who need to protect family members with health concerns. 

In light of the ongoing pandemic and seasonal surges in COVID-19, we ask all attendees and volunteers to agree to the following: 

Mask-optional outdoor spaces for UnConference sessions will be available in the private outdoor courtyard, with additional open areas outside in the park available for breaks.

Please note that due to the sensitive nature of the discussions at this event, no recordings or virtual options will be available.


Low Fragrance Environment: Please reduce or eliminate heavy perfumes/colognes or other scents. Please be mindful of those with sensitivities or allergies! Thanks again!

Community Agreements

Confidentiality: What's said here, stays here. You are welcome to share the general lessons you learn here, but please do not share individual's names or personal stories outside of the session without their permission. 

Respect Other People's Identities. Please respect other attendees' identities, including their chosen name, pronouns and identity labels. 

A Conversational Space is Not a 101 Space. One of the goals of the conference is to enable attendees to have more in-depth conversations without having to stop to explain or justify their identities - whether it's their a/sexuality, their gender, or something else. Attendees are here to meet other people and share experiences, not to be personal lecturers. Therefore, unless a session is explicitly titled as a 101 or learning space, do not go there expecting to receive any 101 explanations. 

Instead, if you have questions, consider contacting an organizer before, at, or after the conference, or check out the links on our resources page.

Ask to Ask: Always get permission before asking personal questions. If someone says no, respect that and just let the conversation move on.

"Ouch, Oops, Educate" : Accountability and Assuming Positive Intent. Not everyone will be entering the UnConference with the same level of knowledge and experience. When in doubt, assume that intent is generally positive, even when mistakes are made. And in turn, if you accidentally use a harmful term or make a harmful statement, take accountability.

One sample framework for this is "Ouch, Oops, Educate": If someone makes a statement that you find hurtful, say "ouch!" and let them know why - and if you have said something that was found hurtful, say "oops!" and do your best to apologize and avoid it in the future. Finally, “educate”: explain (or ask if someone else can explain) why the statement was hurtful and what a better alternative would be in the future.

Step Up, Step Back: Share the Discussion. If you notice you've been talking a lot, consider taking a step back and letting others speak; on the other hand, if you have a thought to share that hasn't been said yet, please don't be afraid to speak up! 

Use "I" Statements: When discussing your opinions, avoid generalizing statements like "pineapple on pizza is terrible". Instead, speak from your personal perspective - for example, "I personally think pineapple on pizza tastes terrible; it's not for me"

Open Doors: If you need to step out for any reason, please feel free to leave or enter the room or the conference venue at any time, and for as long as you need.