

All math homework will go to the students effort grade. All assessments will be used for the Academic grade. Students in Math 3 will receive a grade for both academic and effort based on an O, S, N grade scale. Homework can be fixed anytime during the week and turned in for a better grade. However, tests are not taken again unless I see that we need more review time as a class.


Math homework is due the day after it is sent home and is graded based on completion and effort. Every assignment is worth 10 points. Once a quarter has ended, I am unable to change grades even if homework is turned in.


Students homework may be returned to them with a "speeding ticket." If a student receives a speeding ticket that means the homework was either too messy, incomplete, or incorrect and they need to try again. The homework score will be posted once the assignment is returned to me.  


Students may be asked to try problems on tests again, either at school or at home, at the teachers discretion. If you would like your student to try a specific test problem again, please contact me via email. I will review their test and the errors made and determine if they are eligible for a retake.