Classroom Expectations

Mrs. Connie's Expectations

Students at Aquarian will attend music class once every four days on the rotating ABCD specials schedule, which translates to just over 40 times per year!  Students will be graded on effort and behavior on a ten-point scale. The Aquarian community focuses on four words to lead behavior discussions. These four words are Respect, Responsibility, Compassion, and Integrity. In all classrooms, and other areas of the school, students will learn what it looks like to apply these principles to their daily routines.  

The following behavior rubric is posted in my classroom and explained to students. Students will earn one grade per music class.  If a student is absent, the daily effort grade will be marked "excused from task" in Q and not count against the quarterly grade. 

Grading Scale Explanation

Outstanding 90%-100% (9-10 points)

Satisfactory+ 80%-89% (8 points)

Satisfactory 70%-79% (7 points)

Satisfactory- 60%-69% (6 points)

Needs Improvement 0%-59% (0-5 points)

Aquarian Philosophy

It is the philosophy of Aquarian Charter School that because all students have great potential, all students will have great achievement. Parents have high expectations for their children and for their children’s educational setting.  At Aquarian, we strive to provide to students a stress-free environment filled with joy, music, theatre, and art to enhance the educational program and boost achievement.

Aquarian Expectations & Reflecting on BEHAVIORS

Be Respectful - Treat others as you'd like to be treated.

Be Responsible - It is you who will get where you want to go, no one else

Have Integrity - Always do the right thing, even when it is hard.

Be Compassionate - Think of and help others.

Aquarian students should act as role models for their classmates and their community. When Aquarian students are out and about, we want them to be identified for their exceptional behavior, polite manners, and positive attitudes. 

Time to REFLECT on your BEHAVIOR