Math Block

At Aquarian, we use the Saxon Math Program and do math blocking, which means all students in the school have math at the same time each day. Your child will be taught math at their assessed level. Most of my students will have another teacher for math. If you are curious who your child's math teacher is please feel free to reach out.


Math will also be integrated into other areas of study. Particularly; science, social studies and technology. 


Other than email, I like to use Remind to communicate. Please join Math, 3rd Grade- Tracy. I will send reminders, HW,  and more. It's a great way to keep in touch. 

Math, 3rd Grade-Tracy-

Welcome Letter:

Dear 3rd Grade Math Parents,

My name is Connie Tracy and I am excited to be teaching your child 3rd-grade math this school year!  I am sure you are familiar with the Saxon curriculum, but here are a few reminders:

- We complete one lesson per day

- Each lesson has a written and fact practice homework component

- A test is given in class every 5 lessons

Supplies - Students are expected to come to math class each day prepared with their math folder and homework.  

Homework - Homework is due the day after assigned. Students receive an effort grade for homework completion.

Daily Schedule Example -

8:35 - 8:50 Math Meeting- We do this together as a class.

8:50 - 9:00 Fact Practice side A- B is done for homework

9:00 - 9:35 Daily Math Lesson

9:35 - 9:50  Guided Practice - Side A and B if time allows. Side B is done for Homework.

Grading - Please check Q often to view your child's progress.  In third-grade math, homework is part of your child's effort grade.  Fact tests and written tests will make up your child's achievement grade. If you do not have your Q (Zangle) login information, please contact the Aquarian office.

Communication - I will use the Remind app and email this year to send messages about math.

Please let me know if you have any questions.  I am looking forward to a fabulous year of math!

Additionally, check out my webpage for more information.

Class Dojo- This is used as our “Super Improver” wall. Each day we will earn starries for positive behavior. Once the students earn an amount (this is generally 40 starries) their eggs will hatch and then that is when the REAL fun begins! You will have access to see how your child is doing in Dojo. This will  be used for ANY improvements on assessments and behaviors. Additionally, I can send pictures and notices this way, too. It is a one-stop-shop on all things Marvelous Math.

Here is the link to join:

Please let me know if you have any questions.  I am looking forward to a fabulous year of math!

Additionally, check out my webpage for more information.

Mrs. Connie