
Our Commitment to Students and Their Families

Anacortes School District's Transportation Team is committed to keeping our kids safe on their ride to and from school each day. Plans are currently in the works to limit the number of students riding the bus, adopt new sanitation standards for cleaning buses between trips, and identify alternative modes of transportation for students.

Following the recommendations and principles provided by OSPI's Reopening Washington Schools 2020 District Planning Guide, ASD will:

  • Maximize outside air and keep bus windows open as much as possible

  • Riders and staff members must wear a cloth face covering

  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces

  • Keep riders as far apart as possible on the bus

  • Encourage walking, biking, or being driven by caregivers as much as possible

If you have specific questions or concerns about busing for your child, please contact Karen Garrison, Transportation Supervisor.

Who to Contact

Karen Garrison

Transportation Supervisor

(360) 503-1151