Preparing for Future Closures

Preparing for Future Shutdowns

Changes in public health data could necessitate rapid adjustments to ASD’s operational approach at any time in the school year. Students, families, and staff attending in-person with social distancing in ASD buildings should be prepared for the potential of building closure on short notice. District and school leaders will communicate promptly to staff, students, and families in the event that local health conditions warrant school closure or a change in instructional delivery. In the event of closure, ASD will implement an emergency model of full-time online instruction for all students.

Experts studying health trends for COVID-19 and past pandemics recognize that there is the potential for a range of shifts in public health risk as we move toward eventual stability. However, analysis of historical data and trends from other areas of the world experiencing COVID-19 suggest the likelihood that we will see a resurgence in cases. This resurgence could take the form of a spike, possibly in late fall or early winter. Another variation could bring recurring waves across many months until a vaccine is developed, reflecting loss of stamina for strict health and social distancing precautions.

Safety Protocols

During a health closure for one or more ASD sites, no students would be allowed in school buildings for instruction. Staff would access buildings for critical purposes, as permitted within health department guidelines. In rare circumstances when a necessary specialized service cannot be provided remotely, individual students may be permitted into an ASD facility by appointment and with strict mitigation strategies in place.

Instructional Practice

In the event of shutdown, all instruction for the affected schools would be delivered online through enhanced distance learning practices. These virtual practices would reflect lessons learned from spring 2020 and would include expanded digital curriculum resources, as well as additional staff training. The ASD’s ongoing expansion of technology, connectivity, and blended learning strategies across grade levels and curricular areas will ensure ASD students are able to access high-quality, rigorous instruction even in the event of a school closure. ASD will continue to document effective remote learning strategies and provide professional development and family resources in order to prepare for a possible transition to online learning.

What if there is a suspected coronavirus case in a classroom or building?

Our district nurse will work with the County Health Department on a plan to respond. Each building will have a separate containment room specifically for students showing signs of COVID-19. Students and/or staff may be directed to quarantine if determined to be a close contact. Individuals who are fully vaccinated will not need to quarantine.

What happens if the state orders another school closure?

This decision would be directed by state and local health officials. We would revert back to remote learning, following guidelines and plans developed during the 2020-21 school year.