Anacortes Virtual Learning

AVL Mission

This program will serve students and families who participated in online learning during the 2020-21 school year due to COVID and are not ready to return to in-person learning during the 2021-22 school year due to COVID.

The online courses that we are accessing from Spokane Virtual Learning (SVL) are highly engaging, rigorous content, and closely aligned to Washington State standards. The curriculum is designed to prepare students for their post secondary plans and will support student academic growth.

SVL updates courses regularly in alignment with Spokane Public Schools district curriculum, we know that the online courses offered through our program will be maintained at a high level and will help out students reach standards.

Who to Contact

Molly Huggins

AVL Student Expectations

Students Must Maintain Weekly Contact

According to Washington State law, students must have weekly personal contact with their instructors. Direct personal contact shall be for the purposes of instruction, review of assignments, testing, reporting of student progress, or other learning activities.

Students are required to maintain contact a minimum of once a week.

In Virtual Learning, the student-maintained direct personal contact requirement can be fulfilled by a two-way exchange with the instructor, such as:

  • An assignment/ test/ activity posted to Blackboard that an instructor grades and/or provides feedback on

  • Participation in a discussion board, blog or chat with the instructor

  • Face-to-face meeting with the instructor

  • E-mail exchange with the instructor – explaining, for example, progress being made in the course or to ask a question

  • Phone call with the instructor

  • An e-mail or phone call with student and parent or guardian to the instructor

  • Instant messaging with the instructor

  • Interactive video communication with the instructor

  • Other means of digital communication with the instructor.

Again, maintaining weekly contact with the instructor is a basic requirement of AVL and the responsibility of the student. Students who fail to do so are in noncompliance with AVL rules of participation.

Students Must Maintain Regular Progress

One of the advantages of AVL is that it allows for a flexible learning environment. Students may work on their assignments when and where they would like. At the same time, though, Washington State Law requires students to make academic progress in their online courses.

Student progress will be evaluated against progress benchmarks which are clearly defined in the course for each month. In addition to the course schedule, these benchmarks may also come in the form of lesson, unit, assignment and/or assessment completion dates. These established progress benchmarks will allow teachers and students to assess the students’ educational progress in meeting the course learning standards. At a minimum, students must turn in at least one assignment per week to maintain a status of “making monthly progress,” but will need to complete all the instructor is asking for each week in order to complete the course on time.

Students who do not meet progress and course schedule benchmarks may, at the discretion of AVL administration, be removed from the course within the 21-day trial period or placed on a more restrictive student “intervention plan” (also called a “student success plan”) for their learning after the trial period. Any student not making progress at any point in the course for more than 21 days may be removed from the course at the discretion of AVL administration.

A student who withdraws or is dropped from an AVL course after the 21-day trial period and does not enroll in the same course in his or her home school will receive a semester grade of “F.”

AVL would like to welcome all students who will to make regular academic progress in our virtual classes.

Students Must Maintain Academic Integrity

Our vision for learning at Virtual Learning is that we demand the highest standard of achievement and excellence from our students. Optimal learning and rigor are the result of students developing and communicating their own thinking and findings in a disciplined community. The AVL community supports development of well-rounded students who personify trustworthiness, respect, responsibility, and good character.

Cheating as defined by Spokane Public Schools Policy 3200 is, but is not limited to, knowingly submitting the work of others represented as his/her own (i.e., copying from others, using information or technology not authorized by the teacher, asking someone for improper help on an assignment/exam, and/or gaining or providing unauthorized access to exam materials). Cheating also includes the aiding and abetting of cheating by others.

Plagiarism as defined by Spokane Public Schools Policy 3200 is, but is not limited to, the unauthorized use of the language and thoughts of another author and the representation of them as one’s own. It is the students’ responsibility to clearly document the source of information used in work submitted as their own (as defined by the MLA Handbook).

District Verification of Student Work per Spokane Public Schools Procedure 2255 states that the district will use reliable methods to verify a student is doing his or her own work. These include, but are not limited to: proctored examinations, proctored projects, in-person presentations, and real-time presentations using video conference technology.

Anacortes_Brochure_Out of District_21-22



Students in AVL will access all of their classes through Blackboard. They can access Blackboard in two ways:

  1. An "app" on their Launchpad that links them to ASD Virtual Learning's home page.

  2. Go to


Username: Firstname.last

Password: 8 digit DOB


Username: molly.huggins

Password: 09041986

Blackboard Issues

Please email at

Steps for Registration

  1. Fill out the survey demonstrating interest (Please contact

  2. Student Learning Plan

  3. In-person meeting to sign the student learning plan and Chromebook pickup

If you choose to enroll in the Anacortes Virtual Learning program, we will unenroll you from your home school.

  • This is a 1 year program and you will be able to return to your home school


Steps for Exiting AVL at Semmester

  1. Families will complete AVL Transfer Request Form by December 17, 2021.

  2. Molly Huggins will follow up with you in January about the following steps to get your student transferred to in-person learning.

  3. The second semester begins on January 31, 2022.

Student and Parent Handbook

Student & Parent Handbook


Anacortes Virtual Learning - Family Info Night

Systems of Support

Appointment with Huggins

  • Please go here to set an appointment. In the description please include your name and how you would like to meet (zoom, phone call with phone number or in person).

Blackboard Issues

  • Please email at

Anacortes Technology Support

  • 7:30 AM through 4:00 pm

  • School Days - Monday through Friday

  • (360) 503-1220

  • Help Desk Ticket