
6-Step Reopening Plan

We are following a 6-step approach to reopening. Students will return to school, full-time, in-person learning for 5 days per week for the 2021-22 school year. Wednesdays are an early release day (schools dismiss one hour early).

The Washington State Department of Health recently released their updated COVID guidance and requirements for K-12 schools.

Updated Guidance -3/11/22

Skagit County Public Health Flow Chart

Masks are optional for all staff, students, and visitors effective March 12, 2022. Masks remain required in heathrooms.

Daily attestations are not required. Please keep your children home if they are sick.

Who to Contact

Dr. Justin Irish


(360) 503-1211

Step 1

All students and staff participate in distance learning. School buildings closed for access.

Step 2

Current Step

All students participate in distance learning. Staff able to be onsite for the purpose of planning and delivering online instruction.

Step 3

Students in greatest need of additional support as identified through an agreed upon set of criteria participate onsite with limited in-person instruction/ All other students participate in distance learning. Staff able to be onsite for the purpose of planning and delivering instruction.

Step 4

All students from Stage 3, and students in grades Pre-K-5, additional students in need of support participate onsite with in-person instruction half-days, M,T, R, F for elementary. All other students participate in distance learning. Staff able to be onsite for the purpose of planning and delivering instruction.

Step 5

All students participate onsite with in-person instruction half-days, M,T, R, F for elementary.

Secondary students attend in-person two days per week, by cohort. Wednesdays remain remote learning days.

Staff able to be onsite for the purpose of planning and delivering instruction.

Step 6

Current Step

All students and staff participate onsite with in-person instruction 4-5 days a week.

Washington LEA Academic and Student Well-Being Recovery Plan

As required by the Legislature in House Bill 1368, each Washington public school district, state-tribal education compact school, and charter school must submit an academic and student well-being recovery plan to the Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction (OSPI) no later than June 1, 2021. A follow-up survey to determine LEA progress will be sent in Fall 2021. The recovery plan is intended to provide information on how LEAs plan to address student needs due to school closures and extended time in remote learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. LEAs are required to receive school board approval of their updated plan.

Anacortes School District's plan was approved by the School Board on May 20, 2021.