Past Videos (2022-2023)


11182023 - Opening Ceremony @ 2023 IEEE R10 SPNIC Activity (No. 3) (6:35)

11182023-QCI&AI-FML vs. Learning Tool Demonstration by TMU and NUTN students (No. 3) (2:08)

11182023-QCI&AI-FML vs. Learning Tool Demonstration by tkes,rdes and rhes students(NO.1) (2:09)

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: (Track A-C): Concept-based & Practice-based Learning

Part 3: (Track D): Brainwave Drone Control Experience

Part 4: (Track E-G): Competition & Demonstration & Award

08232023-Quantum Computational Intelligence (No. 2) (2:21)

Part 1: Opening Ceremony

Part 2: (Track A-C): Concept-based & Practice-based Learning

Part 3: (Track D): On-line CI Training Demonstration on (Wireless Brain Drone Control)

Part 4: (Track E-G): Operation-based & Experience-based Learning

Part 5: CI&AI-FML Human and Machine Co-Learning on Taiwanese and English Language

Part 1: Opening Ceremony and Event Introduction @ IEEE R10 EAC & CIS Education Portal Activity

Part 2: Concept-based & Practice-based Learning @ IEEE R10 EAC & CIS Education Portal Activity

Part 3: Practice-based & Operation-based Learning @ IEEE R10 EAC & CIS Education Portal Activity

Part 4: Expression-based Learning & Closing Ceremony @ IEEE R10 EAC & CIS Education Portal Activity

Program @ IEEE R10 EAC & CIS Education Portal Activity

Six-Step Co-Learning Procedure @ IEEE R10 EAC & CIS Education Portal Activity

Professor Chang-Shing Lee IEEE EAB Award created by IEEE CIS

Human and Machine Co-learning

IEEE EAB Award to Chang-Shing Lee (Part 1-Post-Production)

IEEE EAB Award to Chang-Shing Lee (Part 2-Post-Production)